该项目加强了–旨在夸大–60年代西班牙地中海沿岸的夏季住宅的 “庭院式房屋 “的特点。这座房子是三个三十多岁的姐妹决定共享的避暑胜地。这座翻新的度假屋是一个刻意模糊的栖息地,介于内部和外部之间,公开的多样性,既宽阔而阳光明媚,又亲密而阴暗;提供海湾、地形、木屋和花园,在一个空间连续体中,打算提供一个充满活力和愉悦的景观。

The project enhances—aiming to exaggerate—the ‘courtyard-house’ character of a summer residence from the sixties on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. A house that three sisters in their thirties have decided to share as a summer home. This renovated holiday house is a deliberately ambiguous habitat, between inside and outside, openly diverse, as wide and sunny as intimate and shady; offering coves, topographies, loggias, and gardens, in a spatial continuum that intends to provide a landscape of vitality and delight.

欢快的和俏皮的。花园中预先存在的围墙–它区分了周围天井的两个区域,同时通过四个拱门将它们连接起来–在整个场地中得到了回应。这种策略的结果是形成了一个由外部和内部房间组成的、具有不同尺寸、特征、光线和温度的、聚集在一起的、好玩的矩阵;所有这些房间都由新旧拱门相互连接。国内的开放(围墙的多重性): 原有的房子是基于封闭的空间性,有隔离和预定的用途,基于传统的家庭隐私。与此相反,新的栖息地通过与窗框合并的钢结构打开了一个大的房间,其中包括生活、用餐、厨房和凉台区域。同样,以前存在的长长的走廊也被模糊化了:与生活区广泛相连,走廊两端都有宽大的旋转门,提供了与功能不确定的大型多功能房间的空间连续性。钢制门槛: 外墙的开口是由不同的钢层叠加而成的,对内部和外部之间的关系进行了思考。在外面,穿孔板形成了一个滑动门,使人们有可能打开窗户睡觉。在内部,长方形的折叠窗框允许完全对外开放。

Gregarious and playful. The preexistence of a walled enclosure in the garden—which distinguished two areas of the surrounding patios, while connecting them by means of four arches—is echoed throughout the site. This strategy results in a gregarious and playful matrix of exterior and interior rooms, of different dimensions, character, light, and temperature; all of them interconnected by both old and new arches. Domestic opening (multiplicity of enclosures): The pre-existing house was based on closed spatiality with segregated and predetermined uses, based on traditional domestic privacy. Against this, the new habitat opens—through a steel structure merged into window frames— a large chamber that includes living, dining, kitchen, and loggia areas. Likewise, the pre-existing long corridor has been blurred: widely connected with the living area, the corridor has, on both ends, generous pivoting doors, providing spatial continuity with large versatile rooms of indeterminate function. Steel thresholds: The façade openings are superimposed with different steel layers, meditating on the relationship between interior and exterior. On the outside, a perforated sheet forms a sliding gate that makes it possible to sleep with the window open. Inside, rectangular folding window frames allow full exterior opening.


Mud Topographies. The manifold continuity of the whole has been emphasized by a beautiful hand-crafted tapestry of Valencian terracotta tiles. This pavement unifies the garden and house, interior and exterior on the same topography; while it suggests difference and hierarchy through its pattern, acknowledging rooms and edges; building walkways, shelves, benches, and wall claddings. Vernacular thermodynamics: In this summer house, without air conditioning, it’s never too hot. Following ordinary construction methods, the existing pitched roof sits on top of a dense matrix of walls which provide a ventilated cavity while increasing greatly thermal inertia. This thermal comfort is improved with additional cross-ventilation and sun protection. In the garden, hard surfaces have been reduced to increase greenery, aiming to improve atmospheric humidity and perceived ambient comfort.

Architects: Bajet Giramé + Burckhardt
Area : 120 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :José Hevia