
After the fashion of the general conversion of the Nantes block, our architecture exploits the special elements of its environment and draws its beauty from the reinterpretation of these. Set in an ideal location, the building becomes a marker for a place to meet.


The great strength of the program and of its articulation resides in the duality which exists between the telluric plinth, a monolith on a pedestrian scale, dedicated to the shops and intermediary housing and the community accommodation which rises up out of this block, becoming almost aerial. It loses its shape and undulates in order to delineate the different functions of the program, making them recognizable.


Resolutely grounded, linked to the land and blended into the region, it is the link between housing, the city and its users. The community building is a slender volume rising towards the sky where it culminates in a point, a steady prow, proving to be simple but strong. Echoing the urban thread, the facade receives a skin like surface, an almost living moucharaby or lattice work, alternating between solid, void and the movement of the shutters as they are opened and closed.

Architects: Antonini + Darmon Architectes
Area: 3264 m²
Year: 2014
Photographs: Alexandre Wasilewski, Valery Joncheray
Project Manager Conception:Claire Archimbaud
Project Manager Construction:Daliana Vasilache
Engineering:Astec + Tribu Energie