位于意大利西西里岛最南端的Mazara del Vallo, Alberonero的二维工作层,彩色方块,跨越多个层次的空间;沿着墙,爬上屋顶,穿过地板。“86+73”因此近乎三维,因为几何形状与博物馆全白立面的角度形成鲜明对比。Alberonero标志性的彩色方块外观提醒观众,色彩的相互作用可以产生影响,充满活力的影响。谈到这一意图,这位艺术家在他的传记中解释道:“我想继续研究人与景观、空间、建筑和自然之间的关系,把它们还原成色觉。”

Italian painter and installation artist Alberonero has created an artwork titled ‘86+73’, that visually transforms a large white architectural space as a part of Sicily’s Periferica Festival.
Located in Mazara del Vallo, in the southernmost part of Sicily, Italy, Alberonero’s two-dimensional work layers multicolored squares that progress across multiple levels of space; along walls, up roofs and across floors. ‘86+73’ accordingly borders on being three-dimensional, as the geometric shapes stand in stark contrast to the angles of the museum space’s all-white facade. Alberonero’s signature look of colored squares reminds the viewer of the affecting, energetic influence that chromatic interactions can have. Speaking of this intention, the artist explains in his biography: “I want to continue the research about the relation between man and landscape, spaces, buildings, [and] nature, reducing them to chromatic sensations.”

Author: © Alberonero
Photography: Alberonero