自2013年以来,Bourgeois / Lechasseur Architects一直参与魁北克市HôteldeGlace的设计。每年,发展计划都会根据当前版本的主题精神提出一个新的方案。

Since 2013, Bourgeois / Lechasseur Architects has been involved in the design of the Hôtel de Glace in Quebec City. Every year, the development plan proposes a new solution based on the theme of the current version.

参与也有项目的有布尔乔亚/ Lechasseur建筑师,其艺术总监,酒店经理和工程师,不同行动者之间的相互协调组织。

A big challenge for this exercise is to update the visitor experience for each version. A new path expresses the space of the chapel, bar, hall and slide. Discover changes in spatial organization.
Also involved in the project are the Bourgeois / Lechasseur Architects, their artistic directors, hotel managers and engineers, and the coordinated organization of different actors.

Design: Bourgeois Lechasseur
Photographer: Alexandre Guilbeault