2019年1月标志着SDE4的开幕,这是由新加坡国立大学设计与环境学院开发的创造性的教育建筑,该机构组织在东南亚促进设计、可持续性和教育。SDE4是新加坡第一座新建的净零能耗建筑,它由Serie + Multiply建筑事务所和Surbana Jurong设计,是一个8500平方米的六层楼高的多学科空间。

January 2019 marks the opening of SDE4, an inventive educational architecture developed by the School of Design and Environment at the National University of Singapore, the institutional organization that promotes design, sustainability and education in South East Asia. SDE4 is the first new-build net-zero energy building in Singapore and it is designed as a 8,500-square-metre, six-storey, multi-disciplinary space by Serie + Multiply Architects with Surbana Jurong.


Located on a hillock along Clementi Road near the southern coastline of Singapore, SDE4 is a new addition to the Design & Environment precinct and it is part of a larger campus redevelopment. The climate-responsive building includes more than 1,500 square metres of design studio space, a 500-square-metre open plaza; a wide variety of public and social spaces; workshops and research centers; a new cafe and a library.


The building’s flexible design and high efficiency reflect the School’s ambitions of promoting new forms of teaching spaces as a scaffold for research. Most of the rooms are designed in a variety of sizes to allow a flexible rearrangement of layout for exhibitions, school-specific installations and future change of use.

设计与环境学院院长Lam Khee Poh解释说。”建筑物在它们自己的环境中不是孤立的实体。它们形成了一个环境,一个区域,或一个支持社区活动的街区,这对所有教育机构来说都是至关重要的。我们的学生和教师有机会在教室内外学习,参与到设计、开发、建造和运营最先进的建筑的综合过程中,这反过来又会影响他们在入住时调整自己的行为。”

Lam Khee Poh, Dean of the School of Design and Environment, explained: “Buildings are not isolated entities in their own context. They form an environment, a precinct, or a neighborhood supporting community activities, which is crucial for all educational institutions. Our students and faculty get the opportunity to learn both inside and outside the classroom, being engaged in an integrated process of designing, developing, constructing, and operating state-of-the-art buildings that will, in turn, influence them to adapt their own behavior when they occupy it.”

通过2013年发起的国际设计竞赛,Serie + Multiply建筑事务所与Surbana Jurong获得了该项目,该建筑被设想为一个多孔的建筑结构,以 “平台和盒子 “并列的方式表达其程序性内容。Serie建筑事务所的负责人克里斯托弗-李(Christopher Lee)介绍说:”当我们开始这个项目时,我们的目标之一是挑战高能效建筑必须非常不透明的概念。

Awarded to Serie + Multiply Architects with Surbana Jurong through an international design competition launched in 2013, the building was envisioned as a porous architecture structured in a juxtaposition of ‘platforms and boxes’ expressing its programmatic content. Christopher Lee, Principal of Serie Architects, described that “One of our ambitions when we started the project was to challenge the notion that a high energy efficient building has to be very opaque.


Therefore you see that the completed building is incredibly open. This is where I think it was successful: it is able to reduce its energy demand, but at the same time it doesn’t end up being a very solid building. SDE4’s large platforms are configured in a way that promotes interaction and visual connectivity. We envisioned a very transparent volume in which the outside and the inside spaces are ambiguous; where nature and landscape play an important part, as a backdrop to the building.”


The design carries the principles of vernacular tropical architecture in Southeast Asia. More than 50% of the total area is naturally ventilated and most of the rooms can be opened to prevailing breezes. Air-conditioning is used only when needed while the spaces interspersed between cooled volumes benefits from cross ventilation, acting as thermal buffers/social spaces, emulating the signature tropical verandas. The architecture is punctuated by an alternation of terraces, landscaped balconies and informal spaces.

学习、工作和社交场所之间没有正式的界限。设计与环境学院副院长(特别项目)Erik L’Heureux说:”SDE4代表了一个为21世纪大学设计的学习、教学和研究的支架。它不仅设想了我们今天的教学方式,而且还铺设了我们未来可能的教学方式”。例如,东西两面的内皮和外皮之间的间隔空间被指定为研究用。在这些区域,外墙的元素可以被拆除,并根据学校的研究需要用新的系统取代。

There are no formal boundaries between places to study, work and socialize. Erik L’Heureux, Vice Dean (Special Projects) at the School of Design and Environment, says: “SDE4 represents a scaffold for learning, teaching, and research designed for the twenty-first-century university. Not only does it envision how we teach today but also paves the way we might teach in the future.” The interstitial space between the inner and outer skins on the east and west facade is, for instance, designated for research. In these areas, elements of the façade can be dismantled and replaced with new systems depending on the School’s research needs.


Therefore, the building serves as a canvas for test-bedding and developing relevant green building technology, becoming, in effect, a living laboratory. Circulation corridors and straight flight staircases link and penetrate these volumetric platforms, allowing spaces to bleed from one learning and research space to another, thereby broadcasting a collaborative nature of design. The large over-sailing roof protrudes along the south elevation embedding a tropical portico, built around mature existing trees.


This openness allows spaces to flow freely across the envelope of the building, bringing the surrounding landscape into close proximity with interior spaces and vice versa. The east and west facades are designed as a veil, an aluminum curtain that filters sunlight and emphasizes a connection to the surroundings. The south gardens are integral to the pedagogical experience of the building.


Designed as a natural purification system, the landscape improves water quality while encouraging lifestyle activities and teaching around water. Runoff from the roof and hard scape is cleansed by passing through soil, which removes sediments and soluble nutrients. Nearly 50% of the plants selected are native species and most are from the southern tropics, a choice that also provides opportunities for environmental education.


The building has a strong biophilic component in the deliberate use and celebration of the raw and natural characteristics of the materials for steel, perforated metal and concrete. As a result the finished concrete surfaces are unique; some columns resemble marble, and all possess a tactile quality that enhances the materiality of the architecture.

该建筑的设计是为了适应气候,实现净零能耗,具有一系列可持续发展的设计特点,其屋顶上有1200多块太阳能光伏板。SDE4超越了健康和福利的标准,创造了在热带地区提供舒适的新途径,采用了创新的混合冷却系统,由Transsolar KlimaEngineering设计,为房间提供100%的新鲜预冷空气,尽管温度和湿度水平高于传统系统,并通过吊扇提高空气速度来加强。

The building is designed to be climate responsive with net-zero energy consumption featuring a range of sustainable design features and more than 1200 solar photovoltaic panels on its rooftop. SDE4 exceeds standards of health and wellbeing creating new avenues for delivering comfort in the tropics, embracing an innovative hybrid cooling system, designed by Transsolar KlimaEngineering, that supplies rooms with 100% fresh pre-cooled air, albeit at higher temperatures and humidity levels than in a conventional system, and augments this with an elevated air speed by ceiling fans.

这种凉爽的循环空气在一个高能效的系统中创造了一个舒适的条件。因此,建筑成为系统增强的代理人–不仅仅是减少伤害,而是通过使设计的讨论从根本上公开化来做系统的好事。设计与环境学院的高级经理Giovanni Cossu解释说。”SDE4的主要故事是我们如何通过设计进展到净零度。

This cool circulating air creates a comfortable condition in a high energy-efficient system. Therefore, the architecture becomes an agent of systemic enhancement—not just to do less harm, but to do systemic good—by making the discussion of design fundamentally public. Giovanni Cossu, Senior Manager at the School of Design and Environment, explained: “The main story of SDE4 is how we progress to net zero through design.


During this process, the building has demystified the general perception of spatial quality, comfort, and cost for sustainable buildings. SDE4 changes the argument that green buildings cost more, as it has limited or no extra cost compared to similar, industry-standard models.


Preliminary results of subjective surveys completed by occupants show high levels of user acceptance of the environmental conditions offered by the building. In doing this, SDE4 speaks to multiple audiences: occupants and users, policy makers and developers. And this generates a level of significance that cannot be ignored.”

Architects: Multiply Architects, Serie Architects, Surbana Jurong
Area: 8500 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Rory Gardiner
Manufacturers: Hunter Douglas
Lead Architects: Serie + Multiply Architects, Surbana Jurong
Photographs:Rory Gardiner