位于于挪威罗弗敦群岛南端的Moskenesøya岛上,位于奥斯陆的工作室Manthey Kula完成了一个路边的休息站,其锈红色的外观与景观形成鲜明对比。

在一年中的某些时候,Moskenesøya的野生但美丽的风景受到极端风的冲击。’ Akkarvikodden’休息站旨在取代在这样的大风中从其基地抬起的旧厕所设施。在设计替代品时,Manthey Kula的主要目标是开发一种足以承受这种强风的建筑。建筑师决心通过抵抗这种具有体重的力来做到这一点。由考勤钢板制成 – 一种设计用于在暴露于天气时形成锈样外观的材料 – 建筑本身简单而小巧。现场焊接在一起,坚固的结构有两个大玻璃开口,可以看到天空和反射地平线。有趣的是,建筑师决定不将周围景观视为建筑的一个特征。在审美层面上,他们的目标更具概念性。“这个地方,山脉和海洋的体验,库拉在关于该项目的声明中指出,并且始终存在的沿海气候非常激烈。“洗手间被设想为暂停周围自然的印象,提供不同感官品质的体验。”

On Moskenesøya, an island at the southern end of Norway’s Lofoten archipelago, Oslo-based studio Manthey Kula has completed a roadside rest stop whose rust-red exterior sits strikingly against the landscape.

At certain times of year, the wild but beautiful landscape of Moskenesøya is buffeted by extreme winds. The ‘Akkarvikodden’ rest stop was designed to replace an older toilet facility that had been lifted from its base during one such gale. When designing the replacement, Manthey Kula’s primary objective was to develop a building robust enough to withstand such punishing winds. The architects determined to do this by counteracting such force with physical weight. Crafted from sheets of corten steel—a material designed to develop a rust-like appearance from exposure to weather—the building itself is simple and small. Welded together on site, the solid structure features two large glass openings that provide a view to the sky and reflect the horizon. Interestingly, the architects decided not to make views of the surrounding landscape a feature of the building. On an aesthetic level, their objective was far more conceptual. “The experience of the place, mountains and sea, and the ever-present coastal climate is very intense”, Kula noted in a statement about the project. “The restrooms were conceived to present a pause from the impressions of the surrounding nature, offering an experience of different sensuous qualities.”

DESIGN:Manthey Kula
PROJECT:Akkarvik Roadside Restroom
PHOTOGRAPHER:Knut Hjeltnes • Manthey Kula • Paul Warchol