巴西因霍廷博物馆(Inhotim Museum)占地广阔,建筑亭子、艺术和植物园随处可见。在这里,作为巴西当代艺术最大基础之一的一部分,位于圣保罗的塔科阿•阿奎托斯工作室完成了阿德里亚娜•瓦莱乔画廊的设计。
博物馆坐落在米纳斯吉拉斯州布鲁曼迪尼奥镇(town of Brumandinho in Minas Gerais)的正对面,面积超过1900英亩(约合4300公顷),这里郁郁葱葱,有时还被森林覆盖。博物馆本身有一个不同寻常的建筑概念,由单个的平台和亭台楼阁组成,而不是单一的空间。塔科阿•阿奎托斯(Tacoa Arquitetos)被邀请创建一个空间,容纳这位同名艺术家的两件作品:雕塑《琳达•多•罗萨里奥》(Linda do Rosario)和polyptych《Celacanto Provoca Maremoto》(Celacanto Provoca Maremoto)。建筑师将场地略微倾斜,部分被森林包围,在这里,建筑师在景观中雕刻,创造了一个地下明亮的混凝土空间,开放到玻璃般的水面,可以看到巴西森林的景色。

The sprawling estate of the Inhotim Museum in Brazil is populated by architectural pavilions, art and botanical gardens. Here, as a part of one of the largest foundations of contemporary art in Brazil, Sao Paulo-based studio Tacoa Arquitetos has completed the Adriana Varejão Gallery.
Located just beyond the town of Brumandinho in Minas Gerais, the lush and sometimes forested site that houses the museum measures at over 1900 acres. The museum itself has an unusual architectural concept, composed of individual platforms and pavilions rather than a single space. Tacoa Arquitetos was enlisted to to create a space that would house two of the namesake artist’s works: the sculpture ‘Linda do Rosario’, and the polyptych ‘Celacanto Provoca Maremoto’. The site they were given was slightly sloped and partially surrounded by forest, here the architects carved into the landscape to create a concrete space that is subterranean and bright, opening onto a glassy water feature with views of the Brazilian forest.

Design: Tacoa Arquitetos
Project: AdrianaVarejao Gallery
Photography: Eduardo Eckenfels