布鲁塞尔 – 俗话说,elke Belg wordt geboren在de maag遇到了de baksteen–每个比利时人生来就有一块砖头。这句话与他们对房地产作为一种安全投资的渴望有关,但它也揭示了他们共同设计心理的一些东西:比起简陋的砖块,比平民更少。
这就是为什么当被要求为该国首都新的Aesop商店设想当地的空间身份时,城市本地人Bernard Dubois转向2厘米的黄色压块 – 从上到下,从左到右,全部。

BRUSSELS – As the saying goes, elke Belg wordt geboren met de baksteen in de maag – every Belgian is born with a brick in the stomach. The phrase has to do with their hunger for real estate as a safe investment of sorts, but it also reveals something about their shared design psyche: there are few things more Belgian than the humble brick.
That’s why, when asked to conceive a local spatial identity for the new Aesop store in the country’s capital, city native Bernard Dubois turned to the 2-cm yellow briquette – top to bottom, left to right and all over.

Design: Bernard Dubois