
This is a tale of a treasured process that evolves into a structure. Living in Indonesia where the land is abounding for culture and noble values, there can be found many fascinating artifacts from our ancestors if we traverse deep within.

在拆迁过程中,我们发现了木制的屋顶桁架结构,其状况非常好,这是由翻新祖母的房子的计划开始的。 事实证明,这些木材是非常特别的,在很久以前,它们被保存在Ciamis的乡下,然后被送到万隆市。

Started from a plan to renovate the Grandma’s house, during the demolition the wooden roof truss structure was discovered in a very good condition. It turned out that the timber was an extraordinary one, in which it had been preserved in the countryside of Ciamis before delivered to the city of Bandung, a long time ago.

该树种是摩鹿加的Albizzia,作为一种快速生长的经济树种而广为人知。由于其等级较低,仅有四至五级,因此其潜力很少被最大化。 然而,西爪哇Ciamis的当地农民长期以来一直采用一种技术,他们在收获季节后将当地的木材埋在稻田下面。这种压实法大大增加了木材的等级,所以它可以持续30-45年。

The tree species are Moluccan Albizzia, widely notable as a fast-growing and economical tree. The potential is rarely maximized because of its low grades that merely stands around IV-V. However, there has been a long-established technology by local farmers in Ciamis, West Java, in which they bury the local timber beneath the paddy fields after the harvest season. This compaction has increased the wood grade significantly so it can last up to 30-45 years.


The timber mummification is more than about filling up the wood pockets to become sturdy, the poetic is embedded in a tale of two earth substances that are mutually reinforcing into a unity.


The design process highlights the wooden roof truss in the existing building, by a way of conserving and expanding the truss structurally as well as spatially. A thorough expansion comprises a guided manner, from the old construction towards a new structure. An accent of Albizzia Wood is also placed around the non-structural element such as the ceiling and reading chamber to introduce the local treasure inside of the interior space.

阿尔比齐亚之家项目可以在App Store和Google Play的Assemblr应用程序上进行增强现实(AR)安装。同样即将在印度尼西亚各地放映的还有电影纪录片《Terkubur Menjadi Terstruktur》的预告。Ciamis的木材木乃伊化过程的故事”。

The Albizzia House project is available on Assemblr app for Augmented Reality (AR) installation on App Store and Google Play. Also to be screened across Indonesia soon, a teaser of film documenter “Terkubur Menjadi Terstruktur: A Tale of Timber Mummification Process From Ciamis”.

Architects : Aaksen Responsible Aarchitecture
Area : 191 m²
Year : 2019
Photographs :KIE
Manufacturers : Panasonic, Conwood
Lead Architects : Yanuar Pratama Firdaus
Construction : ASEPDEV
Identity Branding And Graphic Design : Monoponik
Film Documenter : Qrimson
Augmented Reality Installation : Assemblr
Design Team : Gea Sentanu, Rio Bravo, Azzahra Dartaman, Auliya Putri, Agung Kurnia, Bayu Herdiadi
City : Kiaracondong
Country : Indonesia