
The people of the Colombian capital saw themselves losing hope in the idea of in-person Easter celebrations as the prospects of a third wave of Covid-19 cases intensified. Colombian culture at large is fundamentally religious, and social distancing measures in response to the pandemic have affected the religious community in particular with the prohibition of large congregations. Believers have seen themselves disconnected from their faith and churches have gone into economic crisis.

随着复活节的临近,建筑公司Colab-19与波哥大主教区联系,希望捐赠一座临时小教堂,以方便举行生物安全的亲临复活节庆祝活动。大主教区对此非常感兴趣,并让设计师与 “Santa Maria de la Alhambra “教堂取得联系,该社区在疫情期间经历了特别的负面影响。Covid 19引发了一场经济危机,使该教堂无法举办群众聚会。这个教会需要一个空间,让复活节的庆祝活动能够按照社会隔离协议进行。

As Easter approached, architecture firm Colab-19 contacted the Archdioceses of Bogotá to donate a temporary chapel that could facilitate bio-secure in-person Easter celebrations. The Archdioceses responded with great interest and put the designers in touch with the “Santa Maria de la Alhambra” Church, a community that´s experienced particularly negative repercussions during the pandemic. Covid 19 provoked an economic crisis that made the church unable to host mass gatherings. This congregation needed a space where Easter celebrations could take place in accordance with social distancing protocols.

Colab 19基于他们对由先前存在的基础设施制成的短暂建筑的了解,追求一种能够超越垂直框架的脚手架的模式。他们开发了一个可以使用水平模板作为教堂设计的主要构成元素的模型。这个系统具有类似于脚手架的可居住性,但它更适合于快速的水平生长,从而产生 “柱状森林 “的美感。设计师们考虑了这种水平系统与基督教建筑中的建筑语言之间的相似之处,得出了一个 “希腊十字架 “的类型,作为波哥大城市标志中的一个地标。

Colab 19 built on their knowledge of ephemeral architecture made from pre-existing infrastructures in pursuit of a model that could go beyond the vertical framework of scaffolding. They developed a model that could use horizontal formworks as the main compositional element for the chapel´s design. This system has habitability qualities similar to those of scaffolding, but it´s better suited for rapid horizontal growth that leads to a “Column Forrest” aesthetic. The designers considered similarities between this horizontal system and the architectural language present in Christian architecture and arrived at a “Greek Cross” typology that stands out as a landmark within the urban iconography of Bogotá.

Colab 19决定了最终的设计,并联系了哥伦比亚建筑师协会,以实现这个项目。该公司建议采用类似于他们之前在La Perseverancia项目中使用的捐赠驱动模式。该协会是一个支持年轻建筑师的机构,很快就对加入该团队感兴趣。他们请来了Equinorte,这是一家为教堂建设捐赠材料的模板公司。其他公司如Andemyc、Inacar和Ferreteria Granada的捐助也使项目得以完成。

Colab 19 decided on a final design and contacted the Colombian Society of Architects in order to fulfill the realization of this project. The firm suggested a donation-driven model similar to the one used for their previous intervention in La Perseverancia. The Society, an institution that supports young architects, was quickly interested in joining the team. They brought in Equinorte, a formwork company that donated materials for the chapel´s construction. Additional donations from other companies such as Andemyc, Inacar, and Ferreteria Granada made the project´s completion possible.

CESCA是一个学生组织,在Colab 19的提案实现过程中发挥了重要作用。一些CESCA成员自愿帮助建造小教堂的一部分。作为回报,学生们学会了如何组装水平模板,并将其作为建筑构图的设计元素。

CESCA, a student-collective organization, played an important role in the realization of Colab 19´s proposal. Several CESCA members volunteered to help build parts of the chapel. In return, the students learned how to assemble horizontal formwork and use it as a design element in architectural compositions.

最初计划容纳56人,但在复活节庆祝活动期间,小教堂平均有80人。在教堂内部达到最大的容量后,教堂的信徒们在结构内的其他空间安顿下来;一些人自带椅子,坐在外面. 圣母玛利亚德拉阿罕布拉教堂在一年中最重要的基督教节日成功地修复了. 这是世界上第一座用这种水平系统制作的公共建筑。拆卸后,建筑材料的使用寿命和实用性完好无损,形成了可持续的循环。

Originally planned for 56 people, the chapel had an average occupancy of 80 people during Easter celebrations. After the chapel´s interior reached its maximum capacity, churchgoers settled into other spaces within the structure; some brought their own chairs and sat outside. The Santa Maria de la Alhambra church was successfully rehabilitated for the most important Christian dates of the year. This is the first public building in the world made with this horizontal system. The construction materials’ longevity and utility are intact after disassembly and a sustainable cycle is created.

建筑师: Colab-19, Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos
面积:351 m²
摄影:David Carretero, Alberto Roa
制造商:Equinorte, Robert McNeel & Associates
建筑师:German Bahamón,Alejandro Saldarriaga
施工队:Sebastián Moreno Liseth Carolina Ramirez Cañón Vice-Coordinador Regional: Nicolas Esteban Flórez Castañeda Maria Camila Montes Sandoval Paula Tatiana Erazo Patiño Nicolás Gualdrón Rincón Laura Melissa Cuadros Lancheros Laura Juliana Carreño González Daniel Camilo Duque Arévalo Gabriela Sofía Rojas Hernandez Cristian Camilo Del Real Hernández Juan Ricardo Sepúlveda Patiño Yeimi Dayana Carreño Fonseca
客户: Parroquia Santa María de la Alhambra
合作者:Andemic S.A.S、Ferretería Granada
城市 : 波哥大
Architects: Colab-19, Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos
Area: 351 m²
Year: 2021
Photographs: David Carretero, Alberto Roa
Manufacturers: Equinorte, Robert McNeel & Associates
Architects:German Bahamón, Alejandro Saldarriaga
Construction Team:Sebastián Moreno Liseth Carolina Ramirez Cañón Vice-Coordinador Regional: Nicolas Esteban Flórez Castañeda Maria Camila Montes Sandoval Paula Tatiana Erazo Patiño Nicolás Gualdrón Rincón Laura Melissa Cuadros Lancheros Laura Juliana Carreño González Daniel Camilo Duque Arévalo Gabriela Sofía Rojas Hernandez Cristian Camilo Del Real Hernández Juan Ricardo Sepúlveda Patiño Yeimi Dayana Carreño Fonseca
Clients:Parroquia Santa María de la Alhambra
Collaborators:Andemic S.A.S, Ferretería Granada