城市中的贫瘠街区–“小巷之家 “是一个小型的多户住宅项目,位于首尔拥挤的中层住宅和商业设施街区之中。自然常常被首尔的快速城市化推到了优先位置。具体来说,在这个以发展为导向的混合用途街区,自然和公共空间在首尔的许多其他地区中是最被疏远的。在这里,建筑物的底层被停车位所占据,对公众和行人不闻不问,而建筑物之间只保持最小的空间,没有休息的地方。

Barren neighborhood in the city – “Alley House” is a small multi-family housing project located in the midst of congested mid-rise housing and commercial facility neighborhood in Seoul. Nature has often been pushed off of priority by the rapid urbanization of Seoul. Specifically, in this development-oriented mixed-use neighborhood, nature and public spaces are most alienated among many other areas in Seoul. Here, the ground floors of buildings are dominated by parking spaces without care for the public and pedestrians while only maintaining minimum space between the buildings without places to rest.


Spontaneous greeneries in alleys – However, based on the close observation of this area in its everyday life, it is possible to find solutions that can enrich the neighborhood with green and public space. Walking along the streets in this desolate neighborhood, there is evidence of green life sprouting in between the gaps of the buildings and the streets. The combination of the spontaneous generation of green life and residents’ desire for nature creates its unique pattern. Such coexistence opens up new possibilities to brighten up the desolate environment.

从小巷中学习的建筑可能性–“小巷之家 “项目重新评估了这个城市社区中自发的绿色植物的建筑潜力,通过它,它的目的是在密集的城市中提供一个与自然的呼吸空间。位于工作室单元之间的外部楼梯不仅可以作为循环,还可以为居民提供一个休息区。通过楼梯和楼梯平台之间的壁龛空间,该项目确保了植被生长、坐下和休息的场所。楼梯被设想为小巷的延伸,通过共享场所连接人们的生活,成为居民日常生活的小公园。

Architectural possibilities as learning from alleys – The “Alley House” project re-evaluates the architectural potential of the spontaneous greeneries in this urban neighborhood, through which it aims to provide a breathing space with nature in the middle of the dense city. The external staircase located in between the studio units not only serves as circulations but also provides a resting area for the residents. Through the niche space between the staircases and stair landing, the project ensures places for vegetation-growing, sitting, and resting. The staircase envisioned as an extension of the alley connects people’s living through the shared places and becomes a small park for residents’ everyday life.


A private garden becomes a public landscape – Looking from the roadside, the East façade is neatly composed of white bricks, which contrasts with the messiness of the surrounding urban environment. Facing the small alley as the main entrance, the South façade brightens the darksome alley with yellow stairs and the brick facade with plants. It provides depths and spaces for plants to grow for both the residents and the public.

在这些空隙上生长的植物不仅可以作为私人花园和外墙,还可以通过为行人的日常生活提供很好的风景而使公众相互受益。通过克服当地的限制,”小巷之家 “提出了在贫瘠的街区恢复自然和社区空间的其他解决方案。

The plants growing on these gaps not only work as private gardens and facades but also mutually benefit the public by providing great scenery for the pedestrians’ everyday life. By overcoming local limitations, “Alley House” suggests alternative solutions to recover nature and community space in the barren neighborhood.

Architects: Korea University, OA-Lab
Area: 260 m²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Kyungsub Shin, Yooseop Song
Lead Architect: Jungmin Nam
Structural Engineers: Daereung Architects
Mechanical Engineer: Daeo ENG
Electrical Engineer: Daeo ENG
Drawing Set:Hongryang Lim
Design Process Assisting:Byung-gyu Joo
Country:South Korea