当你在城市中行走时,你偶尔会遇到一个 “好房子”,一个你能感觉到土地、结构和人都是统一的地方。是否有可能真正设计出这样的房子,让建筑和生活方式随着时间的推移形成一种统一的感觉?

As you walk around the city you occasionally come across a ‘good house’, a place where you can feel that the land, structure and people are all united. Is it possible to actually design such a house where architecture and lifestyle can develop a sense of unity over time?

从我们最初对这个项目的讨论中,我们很惊讶地得到了 “像仓库一样没有窗户的房子 “的要求。Ryo是一名工程师,在家里做音乐,Yuri是一名舞台设计师,经常熬夜绘画和制作东西。这是一个工作和生活将发挥重要作用的房子,住在仓库里的想法很有吸引力,因为它可以提供灵活、耐用的住所,可以在任何时候自由工作。

From our initial discussions on this project, we were surprised to be given the request of ‘a house like a warehouse with no windows.’ Ryo works as an engineer and makes music from home and Yuri is a stage designer who is often up late painting and crafting things. It was a house where work-life would play a big part and the idea of living in a warehouse was attractive as to the flexible, durable shelter it would provide for working freely at any time.


One of the fun things about living in a house like a warehouse is that you don’t need a front door. To be more precise, a front door is formed from a different set of conditions, defined by the scale and rhythm of moving goods in and out. So here the typical Japanese genkan is replaced by a sliding industrial door, which disrupts the usual relationship between private dwelling and the city outside. The ground floor can then be spatially closed off, forming a windowless workspace at street level. The 2F is opened up by large windows that spill out onto the terrace, linking the social space of the house with the street and the city outside.

在整个项目中,我们一直在追求一个永不完成的设计,一个反应迅速的建筑,生活方式和活动是空间和结构的首要任务。考虑到这一点,我们设计了一个结构系统,它能使空间的特征更加生动,而又不至于使紧凑的内部结构不堪重负。在与结构工程师Atsushi Sato的对话中,”带夹板的轴架 “应运而生,它是一种支撑结构以抵御地震的方法,同时保留了内部空间的工艺规模。

Throughout the project we were consistently aiming for a design that was never finished, a responsive architecture where lifestyle and activity is at the foreground of space and structure. With this in mind we designed a structural system that would enliven the character of the space without overwhelming the compact interior. The ‘shaft frame with splints’ was born from a dialogue with structural engineer Atsushi Sato as a way to brace the structure against earthquakes, while retaining the crafted scale of the interior space.

阳台被建得尽可能大,以便盆栽可以像街道的舞台一样堆积,然后被重新利用作为入口遮阳篷的支撑。顶层原本只是脚手架,但通过现场多余木材的临时安排,成为一个空间,在网格上叠加了一种累积的建筑空间感。 楼梯的细节是与现场的木匠一起即兴创作的,灵感来自于结构夹板系统的构造,因为它正在被建造。

The terrace, which was built as large as possible so that pot plants could accumulate like a stage for the street, was then repurposed as a support for the entrance awning. The top floor was originally just scaffolding but became a space through the ad hoc arrangement of excess timbers on site, overlaying the grid with an accumulated sense of constructed space. The stair detail was improvised together with the carpenter on site, inspired by the tectonic of the structural splint system as it was being constructed.


In this way the designer, the builder and the owner stimulated each other’s craft spirit while working together to create an open process: an architecture of responses and additive rationalities. Each time we visit the house we come up with new ideas and continue our work: creating gardens, building benches and designing with time, so that the shape of life and the presence of architecture all continue to change within the flow of the everyday.

Architects: FUJIWALABO / Teppei Fujiwara Architects Labo
Area: 88 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Yurika Kono, Hayato Oishi
Structural Engineers: Jun Sato Structural Engineers
Lighting Design: Izumi Okayasu Lighting Design
Construction: MTEC Co. Ltd.
Architect:Teppei Fujiwara
Design Team:Shunta Nakamura, Chingsen Lai, Risa Yamamoto, Rena Inada (Bath Garden)
Electrics & Facilities:FUJIWALABO, OYA Yasuyuki
City:Toshima City