Apple Bagdat Caddesi位于伊斯坦布尔繁华的Bagdat Caddesi,力求在城市的中心创造一个绿色的创意绿洲。作为伊斯坦布尔最具代表性和最热闹的购物场所之一,这条绿树成荫的大道吸引了来自世界各地的游客,被比作巴黎的香榭丽舍大街。这座独立的建筑背离了繁忙的购物街,形成了一个宽阔的林荫广场–一个庆祝城市生活的公共广场。
苹果Bagdat Caddesi是苹果公司设计团队与Foster + Partners的综合建筑和工程工作室紧密合作的结果。该设计响应了场地及其独特的环境条件,创造了一个简单而和谐的形式。该结构横跨整个商店的宽度,创造了一个令人印象深刻的无柱室内体量,强调了整个建筑长度上的视觉联系。

Located on the bustling Bagdat Caddesi in Istanbul, Apple Bagdat Caddesi seeks to create a green oasis of creativity in the heart of the city. One of the most iconic and lively shopping destinations in Istanbul, the tree-lined avenue attracts visitors from all over the world and is likened to Paris’ Champs-Élysées. The standalone building is set back from the busy shopping street, creating a generous tree-lined square – a public plaza for the celebration of urban life.
Apple Bagdat Caddesi is the result of a close collaboration between Apple’s design teams and the integrated architecture and engineering studios at Foster + Partners. The design responds to the site and its unique environmental conditions to create a simple and harmonious form. The structure spans the entire width of the store, creating an impressive, column-free interior volume, which emphasizes the visual connection throughout the length of the building.

Foster + Partners的工作室负责人Stefan Behling说。”我喜欢伊斯坦布尔的活力和生机。Apple Bagdat Caddesi是一个平静的绿洲,它创造了一个静谧的小岛,让人可以享受城市的繁华活力。该建筑三面都有公共绿地,为当地社区提供了一个空间,并将成为每个人的新目的地。整个建筑采用了温暖的天然材料,为游客提供了一个平静而优雅的空间。

Stefan Behling, Head of Studio, Foster + Partners, said: “I love the energy and vibrancy of Istanbul. Apple Bagdat Caddesi is a calm, green oasis that creates an island of repose from which to enjoy the bustling energy of the city. With publicly accessible green spaces on three sides, the building provides a space for the local community and is set to be a new destination for everyone. With warm natural materials throughout, it provides a calming and elegant space for visitors to enjoy.


The building appears as a simple single story volume at the main street level with a floating roof above. Using the same stonework as the pavement, the carefully designed steps and slopes along the forecourt create a gentle transition towards the store entrance. The glazed facades offer a glimpse through to the lush tree-filled garden at the back, drawing people into the store. Visitors enter the building at the upper ground level, which leads into a spacious double-height volume. The large tree-filled pocket park draws people through the store, providing a natural sanctuary for visitors to relax under the shaded canopy of trees. The garden is enveloped by a tall green hedge, immersing visitors in its natural environment and adding welcome greenery to the site. A rainscreen façade made from beautifully crafted local travertine stone provides a pleasing contrast to the lush landscaping.

场地内15.7英尺(4.8米)的巨大坡度使商店可以分布在两层,低层藏在主层之下。在内部,展示区位于上层,两边是Avenues,通过一个宏伟的楼梯连接到下面的论坛,然后下降到花园层。一个几乎看不见的32英尺(9.7米)的玻璃幕布模糊了内部和外部之间的界限。室内通过两个大型天窗沐浴在自然光中,天窗打开后可以自然通风。Aksaray Yaylak花岗岩地板、木材天花板和洞石墙面为空间增添了温暖,并辅以自然调整的照明。该店拥有一个绿色的屋顶,为建筑提供了绝缘,并利用雨水收集系统和灰水回收来进行灌溉。

The substantial 15.7-foot (4.8-meter) slope across the site allows the store to be spread over two levels, with the lower floor tucked below the main level. Internally, the display area is on the upper level, flanked by Avenues, connects to the Forum below via a grand flight of stairs which descend to the garden level. An almost invisible 32-foot (9.7. meter) glass curtain blurs the boundaries between inside and outside. The interior is bathed in natural light through two large skylights that open to allow natural ventilation. The Aksaray Yaylak Granite floors, timber ceiling and travertine wall cladding add warmth to the space, complemented by naturally tuned lighting. The store boasts of a green roof which insulates the building and utilizes a rainwater harvesting system and grey water recycling for irrigation.

Architects: Foster + Partners
Year: 2021
Photographs: Nigel Young