
What does it mean to open a shop in the city? During an era with rapid urban and cultural changes, what can we achieve by addressing retail interior design?

ARTS & SCIENCE是一家由创意总监Sonya Park经营的精选商店和品牌。该品牌始于2003年,提供各种商品;从原创服装到日常用品。ARTS & SCIENCE青山旗舰店有一系列的女装、珠宝、香水和其他商品,这些商品都是为其独特的美学而挑选的。

ARTS & SCIENCE is a select shop and brand run by the creative director, Sonya Park. The brand was started in 2003 and has offered various items; from original clothing to everyday items. ARTS & SCIENCE Aoyama, the flagship store, has a line of ladies clothing, jewellery, fragrance and additional items that are selected for their unique aesthetics.

ARTS & SCIENCE这个名字的由来是基于这样的想法:一种美学连接着从艺术到科学的所有美好事物。受这一简单哲学的启发,ATTA在设计概念中使用了代表艺术自由的几何学原理–Arc,以及科学的学科–Straight。该店的设计表达了生活基本元素的连通性、扩展性和连续性–从一楼到二楼,从城市到生活,从直线到曲线,从灰色到棕色,从石头到木材,从钢铁到黄铜,从冷到暖。

The origin of the name ARTS & SCIENCE is based on the idea that one aesthetic connects all beautiful things from arts to science. Inspired by this simple philosophy, ATTA used the principles of geometry representing the freedom of art, Arc, and the discipline of science, Straight, for the design concept. The store design expresses the connectivity, expansion and continuity of the fundamental elements of life – From the first floor to the second floor, from the city to life, from straight to curved, from grey to brown, from stone to wood, from steel to brass, from cool to warm.

对于外部,我们创造了一个封闭的私人外墙,同时允许阳光的穿透。我们开放了内部空间,表达了空间的连续性,同时允许游客发现整个空间的小惊喜。最后,我们拆除了一部分现有的地板和天花板,并创造了一个大型的椭圆形空洞,给人以 “一楼到二楼 “的导航印象,而不是 “一楼/二楼”。我们相信,室内设计的意义可以在城市空间和生活经验的连续性中发现。

For the exterior, we created a closed private facade while allowing the penetration of sunlight. We opened the interior expressing a continuity of space, while at the same time allowing a visitor to discover small surprises throughout. Finally, we demolished a portion of the existing floors and ceilings and created a large oval void penetration that gives the impression of navigation as “1st floor to 2nd floor” instead of “1st floor / 2nd floor”. We believe that the meaning of an interior design can be discovered in the continuity of urban space and life experiences.

Architects: Atelier Tsuyoshi Tane Architects
Area: 177 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Daici Ano
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Adobe, Adobe Systems Incorporated, LIMITED EDITION, Maxray, Next Limit Technologies, Robert McNeel & Associates, kirkby design
Lead Architects: Tsuyoshi Tane
Furniture: COMPLEX
Construction Company: TANK
Project Team:Yosuke Tsukamoto, Paul Trussler, Nanami Endo