AUBE Toranomon位于东京市中心的一个区域,那里正在进行城市改造,并正在建造许多高楼大厦。然而,在该地块附近有许多低层建筑。建筑师的设计允许各种类型的生活方式在这个出租住宅楼里进行,以创造居民和城市之间和谐的社会联系。

The AUBE Toranomon is situated in an area in downtown Tokyo, where urban renewal is ongoing, and many high rises are being built. However, in the close vicinity of the site are found many lower buildings. The architect designs to allow various types of lifestyles in this rental residential building to create a harmonious social connection between the residents and the city.

该项目在COVID-19大流行之前开始。生活方式的急剧变化,尤其是工作方式,如在家工作的人越来越多,生活空间和工作空间的边界越来越模糊,涉及到好的和坏的方面。减少通勤时间和环境负荷当然是有益的,同时也使隐私与工作环境、物理和空间问题难以分开。建筑师与客户一起推出了一系列租赁商业空间”ESCALIER”,在经济效益和更好的工作环境之间提供一个良好的平衡,以一种很好的方式适应和连接到附近。这个住宅项目旨在通过对城市非常开放来丰富生活环境,为社会做出贡献。项目的名字 “AUBE “来自于一个法语单词,意思是黎明。建筑师希望AUBE能照亮人们和城市。

The project began before the COVID-19 pandemic. Drastic changes in lifestyle, especially the workstyle such as working at home increasing and the border between the living space and the working space much ambiguous, involve good and bad aspects. Reduction in both commuting time and environmental loads is certainly beneficial while making it difficult to separate privacy from a working environment, and physical and spatial issues. The architect, together with the client, has introduced a series of rental commercial spaces ”ESCALIER” to provide a good balance between economic efficiency and a better working environment in a way well adapted and connected to the neighborhood. This residential project aims to enrich the living environment by being very open to the city to contribute to society. The name of the project “AUBE” comes from a French word, which means dawn. The architect hopes that the AUBE will light up the people and the city.


In each unit of the apartment, public space and private space are clearly divided to provide flexibility for the needs of the individual tenants. The building consists of three types of duplex apartments, which are on the basement/first floor, the second/third floor, and the fourth/roof floor. The entrance of each apartment is located on the first floor and the third floor. Inside the entrance space of each apartment, there ­is a space, which can be used as a living room but also as a space for remote working or as a studio or a hobby room, or even any kind of usage, which does not necessarily require privacy.


The staircase within each duplex apartment leads to a space of a private character. The unit has a box-in-box structure. To provide a connection to the city i.e., the outer world, and to help transmit information, the entrance door adopts a transparent glass door on the first floor, and a wide-open folding door on the third floor. On the second and fourth floors as a private space, the façade is closed with a glass curtain wall, which harmonizes with other high buildings in the neighborhood. As a result, layers of public space and private space appear on the façade. While the closed private floor expands to the limit of the building coverage ratio, the public floors have front gardens and balconies where the green plants represent the sequence of the greenery in the city.


By using a stair or an elevator along the atrium you can reach the common space on the third floor, and this void space provides light and wind to the apartments. The building has a wall-type frame structure so that no protrusion occurs in the interior. The structural wall in the middle of the apartment, from the basement to the second floor, serves as an important partition for the space as well. Due to the shade regulation, the ceiling height is limited to 2.5m but the beams are integrated into the walls to make them invisible, and the opening to the street side has flat pre-stressed concrete beams which do not bother the interior.


From the form of the land piece, the frontage of the building is divided into three units. The unit on the east side is folded because of the emergency evacuation space and the fourth floor is set back due to the sky factor regulation. To highlight the volume on the second and the fourth floors the curtain wall is sash-less. The architect designs a lounge and a meeting room as a communicative space for the residents and their guests. This is a project, which realizes a rich living environment and at the same time, it offers an opportunity for the residents to become connected to society while they live inside the building.

Architects: ETHNOS
Area : 630 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Keishin Horikoshi / SS Inc.
Manufacturers : Fuji Sash
Lead Architect : Tatehito Sakruai
Client : REAL PARTNERS Co.,Ltd.
City : Minato City
Country : Japan