该项目是新的 Quinta Montes Molina 文化中心项目的一部分。这座新文化中心坐落在墨西哥尤卡坦州梅里达市中心最重要的大道–蒙特霍大道(Paseo Montejo)上,是一座 19 世纪的老房子。2004 年,这座原有的房屋作为博物馆向公众开放,很快就因其标志性的建筑和历史而成为人们关注的焦点。2014 年,业主委托建造了一座凉亭,用于举办文化和社交活动。由此产生的结构在与现有房屋融为一体的同时,还创造了一种现代身份,在 2015 年墨西哥城建筑双年展上获奖,并迅速扩展了文化和社区的新使命。

This project is inserted as part of the programmatic offer of the new Quinta Montes Molina Cultural Center. This new Cultural Center sets into the property of a 19th Century house located on Paseo Montejo, the most important avenue of Downtown Mérida, in the state of Yucatán, México. The pre-existing house became open to the public as a museum in 2004 quickly becoming a point of reference given its iconic architecture and history. In 2014, the owners commissioned a pavilion to hold cultural and social events. The resulting structure created a contemporary identity while integrating into the existing house winning the Mexico City Architecture Biennale in 2015 and quickly exponentiating a new vocation towards culture and community.

最近的扩建项目是新的文化中心,该中心拥有艺术画廊空间、表演广场、花园以及专门用于餐饮和零售的空间。除了满足项目需求之外,该项目还试图重新诠释项目,将招牌餐厅(主厨 Xochitl Valdés)、咖啡厅和书店整合在一个内部空间中,创造出一个城市中绝无仅有的独特空间。

The most recent expansion is the new Cultural Center which holds art gallery spaces, a performance plaza, gardens, and a space dedicated to food, beverage, and a retail component. Beyond the mere fulfillment of the programmatic needs, the project seeks to reinterpret the program bonding together within one interior space a signature restaurant (Chef Xochitl Valdés), a café and a bookstore to create a unique space with no precedent in the city.

与室内空间相得益彰的是与文化中心相连的廊柱下的室外露台,包括一个庭院和一个倒影池,为人们提供了室外用餐体验。餐厅被命名为 “Avelino & María”,以纪念原房屋的第一任主人,而书店和咖啡厅则被命名为 “Dos Encuentros”(两次相遇),寓意房屋与公共空间、传统与现代、个人与社区之间随着时间的推移而产生的联系。

The interior space is complemented with exterior terraces under porticoes that connect to the Cultural Center, including a patio and a reflecting pool providing an outdoor dining experience. The restaurant is named Avelino & María, making honor to the first owners of the original house while the bookstore and café are called “Dos Encuentros” (Two Encounters), speaking of the links created through time between house and public space, tradition, and contemporaneity, individuals, and community.

室内设计偏离了建筑结构所确立的结构元素、开口和实体的节奏,让柱子和上层楼板暴露在外,同时强调外部的框架景观。然后,材料语言平衡了混凝土和木材的存在,木材成为外围的装饰性檐口,衔接着过滤自然光的屏风和包含人工照明的框架,从而提供了从白天到夜晚的显著变化。 这种檐口环绕餐厅空间,并将其自身转化为嵌入式书柜和展示壁龛,为阅读和咖啡休息室提供了空间。

The interior design departs from the rhythm of structural elements, the openings and solids established by the architectural structure of the building, leaving its columns and upper slabs exposed while emphasizing the framed views of the exterior. The material language then balances the presence of concrete with that of the wood which becomes a perimeter ornamental soffit articulating screens that filter natural light and frames containing artificial lighting thus providing a notable change from day to evening atmospheres. This soffit embraces the restaurant spaces and transforms itself into built-in bookcases and display niches that make space for a reading and coffee lounge.


The millwork is a reinterpretation of the neo-classical details and intentions found within the interiors and objects of the house. The parti is complemented with colors, textures, and motifs that speak of a tradition and legacy transitioning into a broader and expanding contemporary identity. A seating booth runs along the windows using its backrest for a book display with plug-in movable shelves on its outdoor-facing side.
Wood and textile frames float down from the upper slab for acoustic control and indirect lighting. The central bar works as the vortex of the activity and the space integrating a see-through window into the kitchen, eating stalls, bakery display, and coffee bar. Its materials bring an accent of color expressed in the floor tiles and wood siding.
The overall result is a hybrid program that promotes permanence and encounter, framed by historic references reformulated in a contemporary language that gives continued life to craft, detail, and the experience of light within the space.

Architects: Materia + Gustavo Carmona
Area:287 m² (2800 SqFt)
Photography: Jaime Navarro Soto
Program:Restaurante y Librería-Café (Retail)
Collaborators: Karla Uribe, Marisol Fernández, Gabriela Horta, Isabel Pacheco, Héctor Martínez.
Cost:USD $ 325,000
Client: La Quinta Montes Molina (Cultural Center)
Levels:1 story
City: Mérida, Yucatán
Country: México