AZULIK Uh May是位于墨西哥弗朗西斯科Uh May的一个全新的多元艺术中心,将于11月底开业。它是豪华度假村AZULIK的创始人和设计师Roth(Eduardo Neira)的最新项目,以及相邻的艺术空间IK LAB。

AZULIK Uh May is a new multi-faceted art center in Francisco Uh May, Mexico, due to open at the end of November. It is the latest project of Roth (Eduardo Neira), the founder and designer of luxury resort AZULIK, and the adjacent art space IK LAB.

Roth负责这些地点的迷人建筑,所有这些建筑都具有环保意识,每一个建筑都确保不留下碳足迹。这些空间采用了令人耳目一新、充满想象力的当地材料,包括从地板到天花板起伏的抛光水泥表面,以及原生态的 “Bejuco “木地板–一种当地原生的藤蔓植物。

Roth is responsible for the captivating architecture of each of these locations, all of which are environmentally conscious and are each built to ensure they leave no carbon footprint. The spaces are a refreshing and imaginative combination of locally sourced materials including polished cement surfaces that undulate from floor to ceiling and raw ‘Bejuco’ wooden floors – a vine-like plant native to the region.

这些拟人化的结构有木制的树冠状屋顶,看起来像是从地面自然生长出来的,不同的房间之间有浮桥和蜿蜒的小路连接,这些小路由树木之间的空间引导。为了让大家对Azulik Uh May有一个初步的印象,请看现场的初步图片。AZULIK Uh May是一个多面而灵活的综合体,将包含一系列的创意空间,包括一个创新的艺术空间,一个致力于时尚和设计的实验室,一个先进的录音室以及艺术家的居住地。在中心的中心,一所专注于艺术和手工艺通用语言的学校将汇集当地玛雅人、驻场艺术家、国际学生和学者。

These anthropomorphous structures have timber canopy-like roofs and appear to naturally grow from the ground, with various rooms connected by floating bridges and meandering paths guided by the spaces between the trees. To get a first impression of Azulik Uh May, please find the initial images from the site: A multi-faceted and flexible complex, AZULIK Uh May will encompass an array of creative spaces, including an innovative art space, a lab dedicated to fashion and design, a state of the art recording studio as well as residencies for artists. At the heart of the center, a school focusing on the universal language of art and craft will bring together the local Mayan population, artists in residence, international students, and scholars.

为了中心的开幕,IK LAB的艺术总监Claudia Paetzold邀请了Ernesto Neto、Paulo Nazareth和Oskar Metsavaht展示沉浸式雕塑和装置作品。这些作品将驻扎在AZULIK Uh May专门用于当代艺术的新空间里,被命名为IK LAB Uh May。

For the center’s opening, IK LAB’s artistic director Claudia Paetzold has invited Ernesto Neto, Paulo Nazareth, and Oskar Metsavaht to show immersive sculptures and installations. These works will reside in the new spaces within AZULIK Uh May dedicated to contemporary art, aptly named IK LAB Uh May.

城市:Francisco UH May
国家: 墨西哥
Architects: Roth-Architecture
Year: 2018
Country: Mexico