
Baltasar building is a collective housing project that addresses the balance between heritage conservation and urban densification from the framework of the three pillars of sustainability:

社会可持续性。战略: 一个将19世纪的新古典主义建筑在废墟中改造成可负担得起的出租公寓的项目。增加了两层提供私人住宅的新楼层;为该建筑和该地区带来了一个新的视角,将过去和现代融合在一起。一个混合的住宅模式,旨在为一个高度密集的社区注入活力并使社会形象多样化。

Social Sustainability. Strategy: A project transforming a sober 19th-century neoclassical building in a state of ruin into affordable rental apartments. Two new floors providing private homes are added; bringing a new perspective to the building and the area that merges past and contemporary. A mixed residential model aiming to energize and diversify the social profile in a highly densified neighborhood.

身份: 与城市的座右铭 “Priscas novissima exaltat et amor “相联系,意思是 “拥抱和热爱新旧事物”。一个保护和重视现有建筑的标志性元素的战略,使其适应当代需求和家庭生活。

Identity: Connecting with the city’s motto “Priscas novissima exaltat et amor” meaning “to embrace and love the old and new”. A strategy to preserve and put a value on the emblematic elements of the existing building, adapting them to contemporary needs and domesticity.

公平: 平衡出租房和私人住房的质量,通过创造一个包容性的设计,提供对不同居民和需求的回应,防止房产标准的等级划分。





Equity: Balancing the quality of rental and private housing, preventing the hierarchy of property standards by creating an inclusive design that offers a response to different residents and needs.

Local crafts and industrial elements. Exploring ornamentation and traditional crafts through the new industrial technique of local manufacturers (such as steel and rope latticework) and a contemporary reinterpretation, in a constant dialogue with the artisan elements of the pre-existing building. In the building extension, the rope lattice and the stainless-steel die-cut sheet lattice are performed by local artisans.

Environmental Sustainability. Biophilia. In order to recover the ecological relationship with nature and its benefits for well-being, new infrastructures related to the support of plants are added, as well as the use of natural colors and materials. On the top floor terraces, a garden of native species is placed with the aim of promoting biodiversity and reducing the heat island effect in the city.

Bioclimate. There are several bioclimatic solutions to reduce energy consumption. Among them are the EIFS-Thermal Inertia combination, the renovation of windows with a thermal break or the use of solar protection elements, such as traditional external blinds in the existing building, and the use of latticework in the extended floors.

Economic Sustainability. Achieved from energy efficiency bringing down energy consumption, resource efficiency, rehabilitating and taking advantage of an existing building, or local economy, reducing transport costs, and contributing to improve the economic activity in the area.

Architects: Santa-Cruz Arquitectura
Area : 1345 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :David Frutos Photography
Manufacturers : Aparici, Grohe, Btizino, Carpintería Metálica Melga, Cement Design, Cortizo, Cristalería Marín, Fibercord, Finsa, Mármoles San Javier, Roca, Silestone, Weber
Founder : Juan Antonio Santa-Cruz Alemán
Main Director : Juan Antonio Santa-Cruz García
Development Manager : Beatriz Lorente Martínez
Technical Manager : Javier Esquiva López
Creative Direction : Carmen Santa-Cruz García
Gardening : 3SH
Engineering : Secor Proyectos
City : Murcia
Country : Spain