
When children are free to choose what they want to play with, their development happens more easily and naturally, gradually building their stories, their perception of the world, and their critical thinking.

巴里吉游乐场是一个力求尊重儿童非常宝贵的东西的空间:游戏时间,鼓励远离屏幕、自主、自由,特别是在公共空间的社交,帮助促进加强对他人的信任。 和社区意识。

Playground Barigui is a space that seeks to respect what is so precious to children: playing time, encouraging distance from screens, autonomy, freedom, and especially socializing in public spaces, helping to promote the strengthening of trust in others. and the sense of community.

该公共设备是Grupo Positivo公司送给城市家庭的礼物,以庆祝其致力于教学和教育的50周年。它位于库里提巴的主要公园之一Parque Barigui,每年接待约50万游客,其位置强调了儿童更好地发展所需的特征之一:与自然的联系。

The public equipment is a gift from Grupo Positivo to the city’s families, in celebration of its 50th anniversary dedicated to teaching and education. Located in one of the main parks in Curitiba, Parque Barigui, which receives around 500 thousand visitors a year, its location emphasizes one of the characteristics necessary for the better development of the child: the connection with nature.


The area is demarcated and offers safety and protection for the little ones, while being integrated into the natural landscape of the park, with beautiful views of the native forest and the lake.


There are several types of toys, some of which are inclusive, and designed so that children can enjoy and interact equally. The selection of equipment seeks to offer diversity and play options for all ages, with equipment that encourages movement, balance, playfulness, challenge, adventure, and interaction.

橡胶地板的设计带来了舒适感和适当的结构色彩,引导用户在空间内,划定了各种游戏的选择。地板的深蓝色引导儿童从入口处流向玩具;浅蓝色定义了 “呼吸 “和生活区域;橙色的斑点突出了主要玩具所在的点,如缠绕的绳索回路、原木森林、大地测量仪、回旋处、跷跷板和秋千。

The rubberized floor design brings comfort and properly structured colors to guide users within the space, delimiting the various options for playing. The dark blue color of the floor directs the flow of children from the entrances to the toys; light blue defines the “breathing” and living areas; and the orange spots highlight the points where the main toys are, such as a winding rope circuit, a forest of logs, geodesy, roundabout, seesaw, and swing.


With more than a thousand square meters, the proposal offers a multicolored and visually stimulating space, seeking to encourage interaction and thus allowing the knowledge of the self, the other, and we, being, therefore, an instrument for the mental and physical well-being of the children.

Architects: Antonio Abrão Arquitetura
Area : 1000 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :João Sarturi
Manufacturers : Fitz Roy, METALCO, Moving Play, Paradome, Rubber
Author : Antonio Abrão
Project Team : Caio Mehl, Gilberto Garcez, Lucas Castro, Mariana Lopes, Marina Barcelos, Selton Drasler
Construction : Eletrosfera
City : Curitiba
Country : Brazil