带来了米纳斯吉拉斯州采矿时代的典故,我们寻求将当代生活的概念与我们的文化根源相一致,提到 “A Casa Original”,即样本的座右铭。

Bringing allusions to the mining era of Minas Gerais, we seek to align the concept of contemporary living with our cultural roots, referring to “A Casa Original”, the sample’s motto.

主要的入口是通过甲板,这是一个户外区域,为环境的气氛奠定了基础,有一个亲密的客厅和艺术家Ronnie Ryba用肥皂石雕刻的雕塑的存在,是对MODULOR的重新诠释,我们被邀请 “潜入 “这个空间的伟大荣誉者的宇宙。OSMAR PUPERI,矿工,也是奥罗普雷托和马里亚纳城市文化和艺术的保护和延续的伟大支持者–MG。

The main entrance is through the deck, an outdoor area that sets the mood for the atmosphere of the environment, with an intimate living room and the presence of the sculpture sculpted in soapstone by artist Ronnie Ryba, a reinterpretation of MODULOR we are invited to “dive” into the universe of the great honoree of this space: OSMAR PUPERI, miner and a great supporter of the preservation and continuity of culture and arts in the cities of Ouro Preto and Mariana – MG.

平房的建筑体验是通过与外部的完全融合来实现的,周围是玻璃布,优雅和简约的环境被自然光覆盖,并从各个角度与米纳斯吉拉斯州首府的Palácio das Mangabeiras的宏伟花园互动。

The architectural experience of the bungalow takes place through a total integration with the exterior, surrounded by a glass cloth, the elegant and minimalist environment is covered with natural light and interacts from all angles with the imposing garden of Palácio das Mangabeiras, in the Capital of Minas Gerais.

使用永恒的元素,如肥皂石、木材和皮革,我们优先考虑舒适性,并为良好的设计和艺术留出空间,这些甚至存在于家具中,zanini by zanini在休息室/花园的壁炉旁欢迎我们,并为谈话和寒暄提供迷人的空间。同时,我们欣赏奥马尔先生一生中开采的物品。它们像艺术品一样向我们讲述着自己的故事,被架子框住,转换着环境,突出了平房的流畅布局。

Using timeless elements such as soapstone, wood, and leather, we prioritize comfort and make room for good design and art which are even present in the furniture, zanini by zanini welcomes us by the fireplace in the lounge/garden and provides charming space for conversations and pleasantries. At the same time, we appreciate the objects mined during the life of Mr. Omar. They tell us their story being displayed as works of art, framed by the shelf transposing the environment and accentuating the fluid layout of the Bungalow.

在沉浸在矿山和采矿的故事中之后,作为对大自然的一种邀请,我们有了浴室,它指向Serra do Curral,被带玻璃罩的凉棚引起的光和影的运动所震撼,我们有了淋浴,与一棵本地树交织在一起,穿过我们的地板,它们提供了一种不同的沐浴体验。

After immersing in the stories of the mines and the mining, as an invitation to contemplate nature, we have the bathroom, pointed towards the Serra do Curral, struck by the movements of light and shadow caused by the pergola with glass cover, we have the showers, intertwined with a native tree which breaks through our floor they offer a different bathing experience.

在水疗中心,我们有一个BATEIA浴缸,这是一个历史上用于采矿的工具,它是这个房间的名字,也是我们主人公的灵感来源,它是用肥皂石雕刻的,从地下浸泡出来,就像它在那里发芽一样,浴缸被两块石头 “拥抱 “着,构成了最佳沐浴仪式的完美环境,真正脱离了城市生活。停下来,呼吸,并享受。

Still in the SPA, we have as the preeminence of the room the bathtub BATEIA, an instrument historically used in mining, it gives its name to the room and it was an inspiration to our protagonist, sculpted in soapstone and immersing itself from the ground as if it sprouted there, the bathtub is “embraced” by two cubes of stone which make up the perfect setting for the best bathing rituals, a true detachment from urban life. Stop, breath, and enjoy.

Architects: Studio 126 Arquitetura
Area : 137 m²
Year : 2021
Photographs :Estudio NY18, Daniel Mansur
City : Belo Horizonte
Country : Brazil