随着2022年北京冬奥会的高潮,剩下的也是唯一的永久性新场馆–国家速滑馆(NSSO),反映了中国的奥运新篇章。令人惊叹的 “冰丝带 “与 “鸟巢 “和 “水立方 “并列,后者是为2008年夏季奥运会而建,使北京成为世界上唯一同时举办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。

With the culmination of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the remaining and only permanent new venue, the National Speed Skating Oval (NSSO), reflected a new Olympic chapter for China. The stunning ‘Ice Ribbon’ stood alongside the ‘Bird’s Nest’ and ‘Water Cube’ which were built for the 2008 Summer Olympics precinct making Beijing the only city in the world to host both a Summer and Winter Olympic Games.


Designed as a spectacular landmark, the NSSO was the main venue for the Winter Olympics speed skating competition and will continue to provide a community sport and training venue after the Games. It was designed by the global sports architecture firm Populous, after winning an international design competition in 2016.

来自一个 “老北京人 “的童年记忆
儿时对北京传统冬季游戏的记忆,为国家体育总局 “冰丝带 “的概念设计提供了很多灵感。这个游戏就是 “冰顶”,这段记忆属于Populous中国区负责人和NSSO的联合项目总监Tiric Chang。Tiric从小就生活在北京,他对首都的冬天记忆犹新,在什刹海公园的溜冰场里,他和他的小伙伴们围着冰顶欢笑和玩耍。

A childhood memory of a traditional winter game in Beijing provided much of the inspiration for the conceptual design for the NSSO’s ‘Ice Ribbon’. The game was “ice tops” and the memory belonged to Tiric Chang, Principal of Populous in China and the co-project director of the NSSO. Having lived in Beijing since he was a child, Tiric has vivid memories of wintertime in the capital city, laughing and playing with his young friends around the ice tops in the Shichahai Park ice rink.


“The traditional ice game in old Beijing involved a high-speed spinning and leaping ice top that seemed to have infinite energy and possibilities. That’s what I thought of when reflecting on the characteristics of Olympic speed skating. So, the ice tops became part of the design inspiration injecting a strong Chinese memory into the venue,” Chang said.


Following the worldwide design competition involving over 60 companies, Populous was selected to design the architectural concept scheme for NSSO, creating an iconic new venue for Beijing and the only permanent new venue for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. This win sees the firm involved in their 14th Olympic Games, both summer and winter.


Another distinctive childhood memory evolved the ice top concept to the final ice ribbon design. From an early age, Chang was captivated by his grandparents and father’s dedication to the study and the preservation of the Dunhuang Grottoes, an important collection of Buddhist art from the Tang dynasty. Chang’s grandmother told him stories of the grotto paintings which showed flying apsaras, not with wings, but flying freely through the sky with their stunning, colourful silk ribbons.


“This concept became an important inspiration for me in the design of NSSO. It guided the design team to boldly extend the concept of a high-speed rotating ice top to creating 22 rotating light bands for the façade, which not only represent the ice surface and the shape of the oval, but also perfectly demonstrate the high-speed movement of speed skaters. The ice top transformed into an ice ribbon and the design of NSSO created a beautiful interpretation of Chinese culture and heritage from figurative to abstract by our global design team,” Chang explains.


In addition to the beautiful appearance of NSSO, the design process has also been thoroughly considered in terms of its practical functions to meet the requirements on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Skating Union (ISU). Importantly, the design also adds to the intense and exciting atmosphere where every movement and sound of the speed skating blades can be seen and heard by everyone in the oval.

虽然设计概念源于对中国的记忆,但NSSO是Populous多个办事处的全球合作的结果。”我们在北京、布里斯班、印度、伦敦和丹佛的团队共同合作,借鉴了我们在意大利都灵的Oval Lingotto和2014年冬奥会主场俄罗斯菲什特体育场的设计经验,以及我们在全球的奥运和场馆经验。国家速滑馆独特的外墙庆祝了速度滑冰的精确性、节奏和戏剧性,并在标志性的奥林匹克公园中占有一席之地,与北京的’鸟巢’和’水立方’相得益彰,”张说。

Although the design concept originated from a memory of China, NSSO is the result of a global collaboration across multiple Populous offices. “Our teams in Beijing, Brisbane, India, London and Denver all worked together, drawing on our experience from Oval Lingotto in Turin, Italy and our design of Fisht Stadium in Russia, home of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, as well as our worldwide Olympic and arena experience. The NSSO’s distinctive façade celebrates the precision, pace and drama of speed skating and takes its place in the iconic Olympic Park, complementing Beijing’s ‘Bird’s Nest’ and the ‘Water Cube’,” Chang said.

光束(或丝带)在椭圆体周围流动,将其包裹到约33.8米的高度。这个 “外壳 “保证了游客的高度舒适性和便利性,这与它作为世界领先的速滑场馆为选手和观众提供的服务相一致。在夜间,外墙创造了一个令人兴奋的景象,每条线都成为动态的光带,能够改变无尽的照明程序。客户北京国家速滑馆运营有限公司表示,”冰丝带 “展示了Populous的卓越设计,证明了他们在体育建筑领域的国际声誉。

The light strands (or ribbons) flow up and around the Oval, cocooning it to a height of some 33.8 metres. This ‘shell’ secures a high level of visitor comfort and amenity, in keeping with it being the world leading speed skating venue for competitors and spectators. At night, the facade creates an exciting spectacle, with each of the strands becoming dynamic ribbons of light, able to change to an endless array of lighting programs. The client, Beijing National Speed Skating Oval Operation Co. said the ‘Ice Ribbon’ demonstrates the excellence of Populous’ design and justified their international reputation in sports architecture.

Architects : Populous
Area : 80000 m²
Year : 2021
Green Building Consultant : Buro Happold
MEP Consultant : Buro Happold
Structural Engineering : Richard MacDonald
Contractor : Beijing Urban Construction Group Co. Ltd
Client : Beijing State Asset Management Co. Ltd (BSAM)
Owner : Beijing National Speed Skating Oval Management Co., Ltd
Capacity : 12,000 (8,000 permanent and 4,000 temporary seats)
Schematic Design : Populous
Architects : Populous
City : Beijing
Country : China