大布兰奇诺(Big Branzino)是瑞典建筑公司桑德尔(sandellsandberg)的托马斯-桑德尔(Thomas Sandell)和约翰-斯特兰伦(Johan Strandlund)设计的一个浮动桑拿房。它是为了在群岛周围招待客人和享受放松的桑拿而建造的,它是一个位于钢制浮桥之上的木质结构。它的形状从远处就可以看到,并且可以从桑拿房内看到大自然的全景。定制设计的桑拿炉在各个方向都有玻璃,可以从外面看到火的光芒。

Big Branzino is a floating sauna designed by Thomas Sandell and Johan Strandlund at the Swedish architecture firm sandellsandberg architects. Built to entertain guests and enjoy relaxing saunas around the archipelago, it is a wood structure on top of steel pontoons. Its shape is visible from afar and allows for panoramic views of nature from inside the sauna. The custom-designed sauna oven has glass in all directions, allowing the glow of the fire to be seen from the outside.

形状的灵感来自于如何在斯德哥尔摩群岛美丽的大自然中最好地享受桑拿浴的想法。建筑师托马斯-桑德尔(Thomas Sandell)说:”弧线在最低点的火堆上方创造了亲密感,然后向上延伸,在晚上可以看到巨大的星星。它是由80岁的木匠大师莱夫-佩尔松(Leif Persson)在Kungsör船厂亲手建造的,这个过程成为对手工艺的庆祝。他毕生的木工经验成为设计所有内部和外部家具和木质饰面的关键。

The shape is inspired by the idea of how to best enjoy a sauna in the beautiful nature of the Stockholm archipelago. The arc creates intimacy above the fire at its lowest point, and then reaches up to allow great views of the stars at night.” said Thomas Sandell, Architect. It was built by the hands of 80-year-old master carpenter Leif Persson at Kungsör Shipyard, and the process became a celebration of craftsmanship. His lifelong carpentry experience became essential in designing all interior and exterior furnishings and wood finishes.

主窗是无缝的,以最大限度地亲近自然,目标是创造一种完全沉浸在体验中的感觉。建筑师Johan Strandlund说:”我们用黄铜设计了方向盘,以配合整体的形状,所有的导航设备都隐藏在一个旋转的黄铜外壳中,以不破坏个性。

The main window is seamless to maximize closeness with nature, and the goal was to create a sense of total immersion in the experience. We designed the steering wheel in brass to match the overall shape, and all navigation equipment is concealed in a revolving brass casing to not break character,” said Johan Strandlund, Architect.


A steel hull was built in a catamaran setup to achieve the needed stability to counteract the wind loads. The large volume of the hull enables massive storage space below the deck allowing for a minimalistic interior above the deck. The house was built separately inside the shipyard and hoisted into place through hidden hooks inside the walls.

从头开始建造一个四面都有玻璃的桑拿炉是一个巨大的挑战。通过手绘草图和与铁匠Jan Karlsson的密切合作来设计,它需要大量的测试来获得正确的结果。内部完全由雪松建造,外面的控制柜也采用了这种材料。在外面,用更粗犷的松木做外墙,使其与周围的自然海岸线和谐地融合在一起。定制的灯光开关是用黄铜制作的,其图标是根据整体形状设计的。

Building a sauna oven from scratch with glass in all directions was a massive challenge. Designed through hand sketches and close collaboration with blacksmith Jan Karlsson, it required a lot of testing to get right. The interior is built entirely of cedar, which is also featured on the control cabinets outside. On the outside, a more rugged pine for the facade allows it to blend in harmony with the surrounding nature of the shoreline. The custom light switches are made in brass with iconography based on the overall shape.


The sauna is centrally located in the middle of the vessel, surrounded by one shower room to the aft and a lounge area toward the bow. A ladder leads up to the roof terrace, with bespoke built cedar furniture to enjoy the surroundings. The height of the terrace puts it out of reach of most surface noise, making it a very quiet yet dramatic experience.

Architects: Sandellsandberg
Area : 30 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Filip Gränström
Manufacturers : Bitus Linax , Cedar wood
Lead Architects : Thomas Sandell and Johan Strandlund
Contractor : AlfaBryggan AB
Structural Engineer : Daly Ogmaia, kvarteretk
Master Carpenter : Leif Persson
Electricity : Niclas Carborn
Photography : creativeflipp
Country : Sweden