
Where strict geometry (black) is combined with careless, smooth, glossy and white (milk), where barista and stainless steel are responsible for the topic of professionalism, and communities are formed around all this. Where can you sit in a bar, where you can accidentally start a dialogue because you are sitting at the same table that permeates the entire space.

我们把 “Black&Milk “这个咖啡馆的名字分解为三个元素。黑如黑–严格、商务、清晰、专业、追求品质。牛奶一样的牛奶–纯洁的、未经加工的、白色的、有光泽的、从小玩到大的。 &–团结起来,在自己周围创造一个社区。我们用一个装满牛奶的吸管在玻璃上画了不同的布局。其中一个草图我们和客户一起选择并最终确定。实现了以牛奶和不锈钢专业表面为灵感和绘画的桌子的想法。

We disassembled “Black&Milk” is the name of the coffee house for three elements: Black as black – strict, business, clear, professional, for quality. Milk like milk – pure, untouched, white, glossy, playful since childhood. & – unites and creates a community around itself. We have painted different layouts on the glass with a pipette filled with milk. One of the sketches we chose together with our customers and finalized it. Realizing the idea of a table that is inspired and drawn by milk & working stainless steel professional surface.


The layout is organized in such a way that the queue for coffee can gather in the container, couples can come and sit against each other, as well as places overlooking the window, as well as a table wrap allows a large company to gather in a circle. We made a protruding belt from a mirror where there is an LED strip, which shines down and up, thus being the main light in the coffee shop. Mirror has been specially lowered below the average head level to allow people to do faceless photo. The height of the table is selected so that the landing is relaxed and the person is clouded on the table. Table height is convenient for drinking coffee and working on a laptop.

Architects: Ponomarenko Bureau
Area: 18 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Ivan Avdeenko
Lead Architect: Volodymyr Ponomarenko