Bodebo是一家位于El Farró老街区的小店;长期以来,它一直向当地居民大量销售有机产品。该机构位于圣赫梅尼吉尔德和拉格莱巴街之间的一个角落,有一个非常开放的外墙,有五个大窗户。

Bodebo is a small store located in the old El Farró neighborhood; it has long sold organic produce in bulk to the residents of the area. The store is located on a corner between St Hermenegild and La Gleba streets and has a very open facade, with five large windows.


The transformation of the place is linked to the desire to give the store better visibility and make it more attractive to a younger public, but without abandoning the traditional nature of the establishment.


In response to these needs, the first idea focuses on improving the way the sales space is used, reorganizing the existing furniture, creating display elements for the bulk products, and establishing a suitable path for customers.


The first major decision is to recognize the sales space by taking the entire interior space as a warehouse, and to make better use of the entire facade.The two windows, which had previously been suppressed, have now become part of the sales and product display area, inviting customers in.


The second decision was to recycle existing elements: this is the best guarantee that the store does not lose its character. Traditional Catalan ceramics were reused for the large tables, displays, and the cashier in the store.


The new tables are illuminated by a series of lamps made from reused glass jars previously used to store sweets, chocolates and other products. Similarly, the pine wood shelves, which before the renovation followed no apparent order, have been rearranged. Now arranged side by side, they make up a sample wall parallel to the façade; this arrangement emphasizes the transparency of the new space and allows customers and salespeople alike to see, at a glance, all the products on display.

Architects: CAVAA Arquitectes
Area : 74 m²
Year : 2013
Photographs :Jordi Surroca