Bofia_The Tiled Cloud是对常见的 “Bofia “典型的不加掩饰、直截了当的风格的更新设计,Bofia是在沙特阿拉伯创造的一个术语,指的是当地的食堂,以提供快速、当地和价格合理的街头食品而闻名。瓷砖云是阿扎兹建筑师为现代高档博菲亚寻找建筑解决方案和材料特性的想法。

Bofia_The Tiled Cloud is an updated design to the typically unapologetic, blunt, and straightforward style of the common “Bofia”, a term coined in Saudi Arabia for the local canteens famous for serving quick, local, and reasonably priced street food. The Tiled cloud is Azaz Architect’s take on finding architectural solutions and material identities for modern-day upscale Bofia.

博菲亚是沙特阿拉伯的一种整合性很强的街头食品类型。如此著名,这种食堂式的餐厅在全国任何地方几乎都可以在附近找到。这使得波菲亚成为当地食品特征的一个组成部分。然而,博菲亚斯一直被排除在沙特阿拉伯行业的蓬勃发展之外。对于阿扎兹建筑事务所来说,Bofia_The Tiled Cloud是一个变成现实的建筑幻想。

Bofias are a well-integrated street food typology in Saudi Arabia. So famous, this cafeteria-style restaurant can be almost always nearby anywhere in the country. This has made Bofias an integral part of the local food identity. However, Bofias have been left out of the flourishment of the industry in Saudi Arabia. For Azaz Architects, Bofia_The Tiled Cloud is an architectural fantasy turned into reality.

Bofia_The Tiled Cloud位于利雅得,在它自己的建筑内,有着各种普通的建筑,由简单的几何和直线组成。相比之下,这个项目是围绕着建造一个漂浮的体块的想法而开发的,它在空间内部的区域和外部的尖角之间创造了一个平滑的过渡。室内体量被想象成漂浮在空间内的云,将繁忙的屋后与屋前的区域无缝分离并提升。

Bofia_The Tiled Cloud is located in Riyadh within its own building with the ordinary architecture of sorts, made of simple geometry and straight lines. In contrast, the project was developed around the idea of building a floating mass that creates a smooth transition between the areas inside the space and the exterior with its sharp angles. The interior mass is imagined as a cloud that floats within the space to seamlessly separate and lift the busy back of the house from the front of house areas.


The public areas are allocated outside of the cloud and within a distance to allow visitors to appreciate the architectural geometry created. White tiles are creating the main canvas of the space contrasted with silver metallic aluminum foam. Complemented with a strike of light flying through the space to add a pop of color to the white-tiled Bofia. Through smart light programming, the design offers different story-telling to the space during daytime and nighttime. The use of white and light colors gives a sense of airiness and high natural light reflectivity. The same white tiles have a visual Interestingly, visitor and observer opinions have been evenly split on whether the design is considered minimalist or maximalist.

Architects: AZAZ Architects
Year : 2022
Photographs :Mansor Alsofi
Manufacturers : Opinion Ciatti, Alusion, DTile
Lighting Design : Light Func
Design Team : Shahad Alazzaz, Abdullah Alazzaz, Alaa Suliman, Lena Abdali
Branding : Lot Studio
City : Riyadh
Country : Saudi Arabia