设计工作室Taller KEN公布了《明亮的条纹》,这是布鲁克林市中心的一个装置,旨在通过简单的艺术手段将人们聚集在一起。这个装置的目标是由Taller KEN的Greg Melitonov与Alloy Development合作完成的。作为一个多元文化的实践,该工作室的作品经常通过使用明亮的图形美学反映他们自己的不同背景。这促进了包容性,并在视觉上表明,激活是为了让每个人都能使用。明亮条纹 “的每一个元素都是由Taller KEN精心策划的,其特点是明亮的色块条纹从脚手架上层层叠加到街上,以反映社区的需求。

Design studio Taller KEN has unveiled Bright Stripes, an installation in Downtown Brooklyn designed to bring people together through simple artistic means. The objective for this installation was spearheaded by Greg Melitonov of Taller KEN in collaboration with Alloy Development. As a multicultural practice, the studio’s work often reflects their own diverse backgrounds through the use of bright, graphic aesthetics. This promotes inclusivity and visually signifies that the activation is meant to be used by everyone. Each element of Bright Stripes, which features bright colorblocked stripes cascading down scaffolding and into the street, has been thoughtfully planned out by Taller KEN to reflect the needs of the community.

明亮条纹 “提供了一个生动的氛围和必要的基础设施,如照明和座位,以确保该装置一直被市民使用。这种灵活的方法将允许不同的团体在每一天激活圣殿广场,欣赏装置的外观如何根据自然光而变化。Taller KEN深谙场所建设的概念,这种围绕激活的策略反映了居民的运动和活动,同时促进了他们之间的社会互动。

Bright Stripes provides a lively atmosphere and necessary infrastructures, such as lighting and seating, to ensure the installation remains in use by citizens. This flexible approach will allow for various groups to activate the Temple Square plaza throughout each day, appreciating how the appearance of the installation changes based on natural light. Taller KEN is well versed in the concept of placemaking, and this strategy surrounding an activation reflects the movement and activity of residents while facilitating social interactions between them.

座位方面,使用了折叠椅,可以根据需要方便地移动,这鼓励了有计划的和自发的社区聚会。装置中的各种颜色说明了占据布鲁克林市中心的多样化和充满活力的群体,并通过延伸到人行道上方的LED棒得到了加强。这些灯有双重作用,既有助于 “明亮条纹 “的审美,又为市民在弗拉特布什大道上行走时提供了额外的光线,起到了额外的安全功能。

For seating, folding chairs were used to be easily moved around as desired which encourages planned and spontaneous community gatherings. The range of colors in the installation speaks to the diverse and vibrant group that occupies Downtown Brooklyn and has been reinforced through LED rods that stretch above the sidewalk. These lights serve a dual purpose, contributing to the aesthetic of Bright Stripes and acting as an additional safety feature for citizens by providing extra light while walking down Flatbush Avenue.

Taller KEN与当地的利益相关者合作完成了这个项目,包括哈利勒-吉布兰国际学院、Roulette Intermedium、马克-莫里斯舞蹈团和复兴礼拜堂。这些组织在装置中发挥了关键作用,为设计方案提供反馈,让他们直接参与到项目中,并进一步将其与环境联系起来。为了庆祝这个装置,布鲁克林音乐学校举办了一个街区式的派对,并有布鲁克林音乐学校的表演。该地区的居民和那些路过的人都参加了这次活动,就像 “明亮条纹 “旨在鼓励每一天一样。

Taller KEN worked with local stakeholders to complete this project including the Khalil Gibran International Academy, the Roulette Intermedium, the Mark Morris Dance Group, and the Recovery House of Worship. These organizations played a crucial role in the installation, providing feedback on the design proposal to involve them directly in the project and further tie it to its setting. A block-style party was hosted to celebrate the installation, complete with performances by The Brooklyn Music School. The event was attended by residents of the area as well as those who stopped while passing by, just as Bright Stripes is meant to encourage each day.

Architects: Alloy Design, Taller KEN
Area: 12000 ft²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Javier Alvarez, Aryn Phillips