自朝鲜王朝以来,乙支路地区已经发展成为一个金属制造和加工行业。当时,乙支路一带也被称为 “Gurigae”,因为从远处看,它像在阳光下闪闪发光的铜。Euljiro,在这里,金属被切割和重叠的声音,以及焊接时刻的瞬间光线充满了整个街道,创造了一个新旧共存的独特氛围。

Since the Joseon Dynasty, the Euljiro area has developed into a metal manufacturing and processing industry. At that time, the area around Euljiro was also called ‘Gurigae’ because it looked like copper glistening in sunlight from a distance. Euljiro, where the sound of metal being cut and overlapped, and the momentary light at the moment of welding fills the streets, creates a unique atmosphere where the old and the new coexist.

品牌 “dof “是 “景深 “的缩写。在摄影中,这指的是一张照片被认为是在焦点上的范围。我们把 “景深 “想象成一个巨大的镜头。无论 “dof “在哪里,我都希望这个地方的本质和特性能够被揭示出来,并投射到空间中,作为放松的方式被传达出来。

The brand ‘dof’ is an abbreviation for ‘Depth of Field’. In photography, this refers to the range in which a picture is perceived to be in focus. We imagined dof as one giant lens. Wherever ‘dof’ is located, I hoped that the essence and identity of the place would be revealed and projected into the space to be conveyed as relaxation.


Euljiro had a rough beauty. The figure of a metalworker fighting in iron, wearing a torn navy-blue jacket stained with black oil, resembles the luster of a rusted copper plate. We saw that the roughness and weight of the unprocessed metal, and the trace itself, which corrodes over time but has a mysterious atmosphere in itself, resemble Euljiro, and we tried to reveal it without adding or subtracting.


The forms made following the function are simple but intuitive, composed of cold metallic properties and black wooden boards that press them heavily. Cement-colored terrazzo is a by-product of modernization that has been in place for a long time. The floor, which emits a soft light, reflects the light projected from the outside little by little and dyes the entire space.


A long table exists as a huge object. The legs of the table, which also means the focal point of the camera, build a single linear image with the light in the gap. In the space, the artificial lighting used a copper plate that could corrode over time to express the beauty of traces.

Architects: designstudio.ure
Area: 254 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs:Kwon Byungguk
Manufacturers: FLOS, lamarzocco, samhwa
Lead Architects: Seo JaeGyun, Kim WonJong
Client: café dof
Nameplate: jklaserdb
Metal: Shinyang Metal Co., Ltd
City: Jung-gu
Country: South Korea