一对里斯本夫妇开始了房地产冒险,他们凭着一股冲动,在阿连特茹中部购买了一块有四个废墟的小地块,名为Moinho do Barroco(巴罗科的水磨)。这个地方很偏僻,没有铺设好的道路,只有在夏天才能进入,因为河流在冬天会填满和溢出。

A Lisbon couple sets off into a real estate adventure and purchases, with an impulse, a small plot with four ruins in the middle of Alentejo called Moinho do Barroco (Barroco’s Water Mill). The location is remote, without paved road access and only accessible in summer, as the river fills and overflows in winter.

早期的日子是在清理土地、调查现场和思考下一步该怎么做。他们决定寻求帮助,恢复原来的建筑,尽可能保留原有的和独特的东西,并在建筑师Luís Pereira Miguel那里找到了这个项目的正确合作伙伴。

The early days are passed clearing the land, investigating the site and thinking what to do next. They decide to get help and recover the original buildings, keeping as much as possible of what remains original and unique, and found in arquitect Luís Pereira Miguel the right partner for the project.

Casas Caiadas”(刷白的房子)项目目前是位于埃武拉北部Arraiolos地区的一个乡村旅游庄园,设计用于接待家庭或团体,最多8人。Casas Caiadas由三座独立的房屋(加上一个辅助房屋)组成,完全由古老的水磨核心修复而成,位于阿连特茹的中心地带,这里有水路,一年中大部分时间都有茂盛的绿色景观,还有巨石岩。

The “Casas Caiadas” (Whitewashed Houses) project is presently a rural tourism estate in the Arraiolos region, north of Évora, designed for hosting families, or groups, up to eight people. Casas Caiadas consists of three independent houses (plus a support house), fully restored from a core of old water mills, in the heart of an Alentejo with waterways, luscious green landscape most of the year and megalithic rocks.

在石头间流淌的小溪边,一个可以放松的地方,周围是百年的橄榄树、石柱和一个海滩般的游泳池。附近有一些具有独特美感和历史意义的城镇,有城堡和其他纪念物。当夜幕降临时,回到 “Casas Caiadas”,天空提供了一个沉思的机会,能见度条件是欧洲南部其他地方所没有的。靠近Arraiolos,正宗的阿连特茹。

A place to relax by a stream that runs between stones, surrounded by centennial olive trees, menhirs and a beach-like swimming pool. Nearby, there are towns of unique beauty and historical interest, with castles and other monuments. When night falls, back at “Casas Caiadas”, the sky offers a chance to contemplate the stars with visibility conditions like no other place in the south of Europe. Close to Arraiolos, the authentic Alentejo.

Architects: Pereira Miguel Arquitectos
Year: 2014
Photographs: Fernando Guerra | FG+SG, Rute Raposo
Homepage:Casas Caiadas
Coordination:Luís Pereira Miguel
Colaboration:Filipa Crespo Osório, Filipe Martins Correia
Topography:Bruno Machado
Builder:Cenário Perfeito
Carpentry:Manuel Prates & Filhos, Lda.
Interiors:Água de Prata, Mizette Nielsen
Owners:Mário e Paula
Architecture And Engineering:Pereira Miguel Arquitectos, Lda.