
As an ephemeral space, the approach was to design a project as simple as possible and to take full advantage of the space’s potential. Besides that, the project makes use of few materials and coatings, in order to reduce costs and attend to the reduced deadline.


The idea was to create a space within the space. A suspended object inserted inside the existing space. It marks the room’s new occupation and maintains its original characteristics at the same time. The new wooden structure makes room for a countertop, a bench and shelves. The structure and its modules distinguish the different uses inside the space. The installation also has a strong graphic design, as it repeats the floor’s pattern on all the furniture’s top surfaces and as the mirror on the ceiling repeats it.


Each use is demarcated through the intervals in the structure. Moreover, by repeating the floor design in all the upper faces of the furniture, a play with the reflection in the mirrored ceiling is proposed and an installation with a strong graphic language is created.

Interior Designers: be.bo, m.o.o.c.
Area: 1614 ft²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Fábio Fernandez, André Nazareth
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Acervo Pessoal Bel Lobo e Bob Neri, Alcance Construtora, Arteiro, Artesian, CG Sistemas, Carpi Brasil, Cerâmicas Atlas, Eduardo Moreno Marcenaria, Ekko Revestimentos, Feira, Fotosfera, Jabuticasa, Mekal, Naturali Tapetes, Tensoflex, Way Design, Zacarias Iluminação e Sistemas, m.o.o.c
Lead Architects: Bel Lobo, Bob Neri, Mariana Travassos
Project Team:Ayla Carvalhaes, Beatriz Levinho, Diana Passos
Clients:Casa Cor e Deli Delícia
Woodwork:Eduardo Moreno
Photographic Art:Anna Kahn
Consultor Luminotécnico:LD Studio
City:Santo Cristo