Casa d’Poço与佛得角独特的文化和自然标志相呼应,总部设在柏林的建筑师和城市思想家Heim Balp Architekten再次展示了他们对尊重和庆祝当地文化的参与,同时创造一个多功能的、扎根于当地社区的空间。2021年11月3日(佛得角明德卢)–位于佛得角圣维森特岛明德卢历史区的Casa d’Poço,HEIM BALP ARCHITEKTEN的最新完成项目,反映了这家总部位于柏林的事务所对当地文化的敏感性,作为通过建筑培养社区意识的一种手段。

The Casa d’Poço echoes Cabo Verde’s distinct cultural and natural markers as Berlin-based architects and urban thinkers Heim Balp Architekten once again demonstrate their engagement in respecting and celebrating local cultures while creating a versatile, multifunctional space, rooted in the local community. November 3, 2021 (Mindelo, Cabo Verde) – Located in the historic district of Mindelo in Cabo Verde’s São Vicente island, the Casa d’Poço, HEIM BALP ARCHITEKTEN’s latest completion, reflects the Berlin-based practice’s sensitivity to local cultures as a means to foster a sense of community through architecture.

通过对混合立面的标志性使用,Heim Balp Architekten参考了佛得角独特的文化特征和自然资产的美学和材料,同时构思了一个多功能的空间,既是公共的又是私人的,将住宅、文化和接待工作结合起来。Heim Balp的设计中,当地文化一直在指导结构、材料和审美选择,这种参与可以在一些著名的项目中感受到,比如他们在巴塞罗那的Carrer de la Diputació和de Nàpols城市填充区,得到了该城市独特建筑语言的滋养,或者他们正在对放弃的Lindower Straße工厂群进行修复,这是一面反映柏林工业历史的镜子。

Through their signature use of the hybrid façade, Heim Balp Architekten refer to both the aesthetics and the materials that characterize Cabo Verde’s distinct cultural identity and natural assets, all-the-while conceiving a versatile space, at once public and private, bringing together the residential, the cultural, and hospitality. Intent on retaining a contextual essence, local cultures continuously guide the structural, material and aesthetic choices in Heim Balp’s designs – an engagement perceptible in notable projects such as their Carrer de la Diputació and de Nàpols urban infills in Barcelona, nourished by the city’s distinct architectural language, or their ongoing restoration of the relinquished Lindower Straße factory complex, a mirror onto Berlin’s industrial past.

在Casa d’Poço,五层楼高的建筑外墙是对群岛上的São Vicente和Santo Antão岛及其独特文化和环境标志的反射。作为对圣维森特岛以石头为主的建筑的回应,面向街道的一面采用了三维木质遮阳板,作为一种更温暖、更受欢迎的替代方案,与该岛作为年度狂欢节跳动的心脏的声誉相联系。由桃花心木制成的混合面板提供了遮蔽阳光和热量的保护。垂直的百叶窗可以打开或关闭,它们成为狂欢节的背景和风景,与居住在街道上的表演者不断变化和活泼的服装相呼应,散发着一种音乐性。

At the Casa d’Poço, the façade of the five-storey building acts as a reflection onto the archipelago’s São Vicente and Santo Antão islands and their distinct cultural and environmental markers. A response to São Vicente’s notable stone-dominated architecture, the street-facing side is clad with three-dimensional wooden shades as a warmer, more welcoming alternative, one in touch with the island’s reputation as the beating heart of the annual Carnival. The hybrid panels, made of Mahogany wood, provide shaded protection from the sun and heat. Alternatively open and shut, a musicality emanates from the vertical shutters as they become the shifting background and scenery of the Carnival, echoing the constantly changing and vivacious costumes of the performers that inhabit the streets.

后面的立面,固定有层层叠叠的梯田,打开下面的院子,呼唤着邻近的圣安唐岛的农耕景观和它奔腾的山脉。由于与圣维森特相反的湿润气候,该岛拥有丰富的自然条件,岛上的山丘被重叠的高原所点缀,形成盆地,收集大雨中的水。为了向这一系统表示敬意,Casa d’Poço的内部露台上摆放着溢出来的一盆盆低语的小麦和玉米;洪水般的降雨倾泻到这些阳台和依偎在花园里的庭院。这些水被收集在一个蓄水池中,在干燥的季节也被用来种植植物。该设计将圣维森特的城市气息和圣安唐的绿色景观结合在一起,通过其他结构选择,进一步加强了与佛得角文化和自然特征的对话。岛上强烈的阳光成为一种宝贵的资源,它照亮了铺设在平屋顶上的太阳能电池板,并为空间提供动力。建筑侧面的无窗垂直塔楼包围着连接五层楼的楼梯,它被镶嵌在石膏上,这是岛上一种廉价的普通材料。当它从底部入口进入时,风通过它被向上引导,并在接缝处退出前用于刷新各个楼层–这是佛得角结构中另一个反复出现的做法。

The rear façade, fixed with cascading terraces, opening up the courtyard below, calls to the farming landscape of the neighboring Santo Antão island and its galloping mountains. Endowed with an abounding nature, the result of a humid climate that opposes that of São Vicente, the island’s hills are punctuated with overlaying plateaus, forming basins that collect water from the heavy rains. In a refreshing homage to this system, the Casa d’Poço’s interior terraces hold overflowing pots of whispering wheat and maize; flood-like rainfall pours down onto these balconies and the courtyard nestled in the garden. Collected in a cistern, the water is also used to grow plants in drier seasons. Bringing together São Vicente’s urban touch and Santo Antão’s greenery, the design furthers its dialogue with Cabo Verde’s cultural and natural traits through other structural choices. The island’s imposing sun grows into a valuable resource as it illuminates the solar panels laid across the flat roof and which power the space. The windowless vertical tower at the side of the building, which encloses the stairs connecting the five floors, is set in plaster, an inexpensive and common material on the island. As it enters from the bottom entrance, wind is channeled upwards through it and used to refresh the various floors before exiting at the seam – another recurring practice in Cabo Verdean structures.

反映了这种结构的混合性,该建筑的功能是广泛多样的,汇集了文化、住宅和酒店空间。底层是一个画廊空间,向当地文化活动开放,而高层则欢迎各种居民,包括永久居民和临时旅客。所有居住者都聚集在内部院子里,那里有一个公共的外部厨房和长凳,被郁郁葱葱的阳台所耸立,所有居住者都聚集在这个隐蔽的空间里,远离街道,但又与街道深深相连。在Casa d’Poço,公共和私人之间的沟通就像自然和文化一样,都在呼唤他们深刻的佛得角身份,以培养一种深刻的社区意识。描述一下这个项目。

Reflecting this structural hybridity, the building’s function is widely versatile, bringing together cultural, residential and hospitality spaces. While the bottom floor houses a gallery space, open to local cultural events, the upper floors welcome a diversity of inhabitants, permanent residents and temporary travelers alike. Coming together in the interior courtyard, where a communal exterior kitchen and long benches are towered by the lush balconies, all occupants gather in this sheltered space, tucked away from the street, yet deeply connected to it. At the Casa d’Poço, public and private communicate as do nature and culture, all hailing their profound Cabo Verdean identity as cultivating a profound sense of community. Describing the project,

Heim Balp Architekten联合创始人建筑师Michael Heim解释说。”无论是在美学上还是在功能上,Casa d’Poço都植根于它周围的环境–广泛多样的气候;丰饶的自然;充满活力的文化;总之,这是一片拥有无尽财富的土地。通过参考和利用这些资产,该设计不仅庆祝,而且(重新)将当地人和游客与佛得角的自然和文化以及它的身份联系起来,最终培养一种根深蒂固的归属感、自豪感和社区。

Heim Balp Architekten co-founding architect Michael Heim explains: “Both in its aesthetics and in its function, the Casa d’Poço is rooted in the context which surrounds it – a widely versatile climate; a bountiful nature; a vibrant culture; all in all, a land blessed with an endless wealth. By referencing and building on these assets, the design not only celebrates, but also (re)connects locals and visitors with Cabo Verde’s nature and culture, with its identity, ultimately fostering a deep-seated sense of belonging, pride, and community.”

Architects: Heim Balp Architekten
Area: 1029 m²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Michael Heim
Structural Calculations: Arq&Art – arquitectura
Execution Planning:Lia Janela
Design, Project Leading:Michael Heim
Country:Cape Verde