在布宜诺斯艾利斯的潘帕斯草原和大西洋之间,坐落着一所简单的房子,坐落在一个独特的位置,它轻盈,基本的结构不受侵犯地坐落在海滩边的沙丘上。在这个神奇的与世隔绝的地方,阿根廷建筑师Alric和Galindez设计了Casa RM来享受自然之美而不打扰它,尽量减少建筑的生态足迹。

South of Buenos Aires, between the pampas and the Atlantic Ocean, stands a simple house in a unique location, its light, essential structure resting non-invasively on a sand dune by the beach. In this magical isolated spot, Argentinian architects Alric and Galindez designed Casa RM to enjoy the beauty of nature without disturbing it, minimising the building’s ecological footprint.

地点: Mar de Ajó, Pcia. de Buenos Aires
作者: Alric Galindez Arquitectos,Arq. Carlos Galindez, Arq. Santiago Alric, Arq. Federico Lloveras
室外占地面积:54 m2
摄影: Albano García