Castello di Ariberto是位于意大利伦巴第的最小空间,由Marco Ortalli Architetto设计。该项目涉及部分收回Ariberto da Intimiano城堡的遗骸,这些城堡是“ Dino Piras”财务守卫的前营房。该项目涉及对历史建筑的保守修复,并将其与社会文化用途相结合:市政图书馆,活动室和卡皮亚戈·英蒂米亚诺市政协会的场所。内部庭院的设计使其可以举办活动和聚会的组织。外部区域以外部绿色排列。在城市范围内,目标是通过拆除Guardia di Finanza为狗的训练和现有停车场的安排而创造的数量,使城堡与新公园重新结合起来。

Castello di Ariberto is a minimal space located in Lombardy, Italy, designed by Marco Ortalli Architetto. The project involved the partial recovery of the remains of the Castle of Ariberto da Intimiano – former barracks of the “Dino Piras” finance guard. The project involved a conservative restoration of the historical building combining it with a socio-cultural use: the municipal library, an events room and spaces for associations of the municipality of Capiago Intimiano. The internal courtyard is designed so that it can host the organization of events and gatherings. The external area is arranged in an external green. On an urban scale, the goal is to reunite the Castle with the new Park, by demolishing the volumes created by the Guardia di Finanza for dog training and the arrangement of the current parking area.

Design:Marco Ortalli Architetto
Photography: Federico Villa