在布拉加的Avenida 31 de Janeiro,我们已经接受了一个20世纪初的建筑的翻新项目。出于对其建筑细节的热情,我们选择了这个地方作为卡斯特罗集团未来的总部。在围绕这栋建筑的历史中,我们将加入我们自己50多年的历史经验。这将是激励我们创造卓越未来的空间。

At Avenida 31 de Janeiro in Braga, we have embraced a refurbishment project of a building from the early 20th century. Passionate about its architectural details, we have chosen this place to be the future headquarters of Castro Group. To the history surrounding the building, we will add our own history of over 50 years of experience. This will be the space that will inspire us to create a future of excellence.
Therefore, the architectural design of Castro Group’s headquarters sets itself as an ambitious project, with respect and appreciation for the past. In fact, as this is a property with an undeniable value, the principles set out in the documents, letters, and conventions that regulate and guide interventions in cultural heritage, including the Krakow Charter, have always been always present.

诸如真实性、完整性和可逆性等价值在项目层面和工程中都得到了遵守,因此,选择了有利于现有的固有特征,寻找新的和现有的之间的适当衔接。这是一个公认的现代建筑干预,同时保留了真实性和 “地方精神”。

Values such as authenticity, integrity, and reversibility have been observed both at the project level and during the works, therefore the choice has been to benefit the inherent character of existing, looking for an adequate articulation between new and existing. This is an admittedly contemporary architectural intervention, which, simultaneously, preserves the authenticity and the “spirit of the place”.


The primary objective of the refurbishment has been to retain the image of the ensemble and preserve the existing, using homogeneous materials and colors, ensuring a conceptual and formal balance. During the works, conservation techniques have been used to ensure the preservation and maintenance of the elements of architectural interest. In the main building, all decorative elements have been fully retained, and the restoration of existing carpentry and metalworks, plastering and gilding, timber framework and stairs, have been decisive for the preservation of the overall image inherent to the existing.


The new volume, adjacent to the main building, which contains support spaces, has been entirely built with exposed concrete to facilitate its integration into the ensemble. This project has been the conclusion of a process of great proximity amongst all disciplines, which also results in a tribute to the traditional construction techniques that, resisting the test of times, materializes into a work that highlights the history of construction.


This building’s refurbishment bears witness to the importance of preserving our built heritage as a strategy for a more sustainable urban development. Its prime location within the urban fabric promotes the use of less polluting public transport, enables easy access to infrastructures like restaurants, schools, postal services, among others. Also, the occupation of existing locations minimizes the use of undeveloped areas, thereby protecting natural resources.


The appreciation for the past as a strategy for designing the future strengthens the bonds that bind us to space and bear witness of a living era. Giving new life to architectural heritage represents a significant milestone for the city. That is how we have been able to bring the weight of history to the present and take from it the best it has to offer. That past-future relationship is essential to a work that is intended to be timeless. Preserving the past, building the future.

Architects: AZO. Sequeira Arquitectos Associados
Area: 1206 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Nelson Garrido
Manufacturers: Abilio Rodrigues Peixoto & Filhos, Avelino da Silva Correia & Filhos, Corteninox, Fernando Martins Carvalho & Irmãos, Fontainhas Revest, Lledó Iluminação Portugal, Mercado da Pedra, Miguel Verissimo & Filhos, Mota Engil, Unibetão – Industrias de Betão Preparado
Lead Architect: Mário Sequeira