
The space hinges on a series of plywood structures that playfully abstract elements of nature, recalling movement through woodland forts, dappled light streaming through trees, and the glow of the sun reflecting off of snow.

这个游乐场是由布鲁克林的健康专家委托设计的,他在瑜伽和儿童护理方面有专长,希望为一小群孩子提供一个创造性的集体游戏的室内环境。建筑师从自然界中寻找空间框架,同时也参考了游乐场设计中具有影响力的先例。其中包括Isamu Noguchi的 “轮廓操场”,这是一个鼓励自由游戏的先锋环境,以及Aldo van Eyck的一系列阿姆斯特丹游戏景观,其中多方面的形式激发了不同类型的互动和活动。

The playground was commissioned by Brooklyn-based wellness professional with expertise in yoga and childcare who desired an indoor environment for creative, collective play for a small group of children. Architensions looked to the natural world to create the framework for space, as well as to influential precedents in playground design. These included Isamu Noguchi’s “​Contoured Playground,” a pioneering environment encouraging freeform play, and Aldo van Eyck’s series of Amsterdam playscapes, where multifaceted forms inspired different types of interaction and activity.

Architensions的设计过程植根于儿童的经验和美学之间的关系。”作为设计师,我们必须挑战自己并提出一些问题,”Architensions的共同负责人Alessandro Orsini解释说。”建筑环境如何与儿童的想象力、认知发展和审美情趣相联系?是否有可能将美学和功能融合起来,形成一个吸引儿童的空间?”

Architensions’ design process was rooted in the relationship between children’s experience and aesthetics. “As designers, we had to challenge ourselves and ask a number of questions,” explains Alessandro Orsini, Architensions co-principal. “How can the built environment relate to children’s imagination, cognitive development, and aesthetic appeal? Is it possible to merge aesthetics and function for a space that appeals to children?”

组织原则变成了体验式建筑,或一系列的结构,每个结构都产生不同的感官效果,激发儿童的舒适和探索。”室内建筑成为一个内部化的活动景观,旨在模拟季节的变化或光线透过雪的效果,”Architensions的共同负责人Nick Roseboro说。”这种环境允许他们采取不同的身体姿势,创造边界,并操纵和重新创造他们的周围环境”。

The organizing principle became experiential architecture, or a series of structures each producing different sensory effects that inspire both comfort and exploration in children. “The indoor architecture became an internalized landscape of events aimed at simulating the change of season or the effect of the light through snow,” says Nick Roseboro, Architensions co-principal. “This environment allows them to assume different body postures, to create boundaries, and to manipulate and re-invent their surroundings.”


Materials were likewise chosen with children, play, and safety in mind. ​Throughout the space, plywood is sanded and clear stained, ​and all paint is non-VOC natural stain.

三个主要的结构被安排在环境中,每个都有独特的几何形状和颜色方案。一个半圆形的 “隧道”,让人想起野口的《轮廓操场》,通过一系列浅浅的台阶从地面升起,操纵着地形。在19英尺长的胶合板通道上有几何切口。在涂有太阳黄、茄子紫和果冻绿的框架中,它们就像进入大房间的窗户一样,同时显示出隧道的高度,同时让光线层层叠叠地进入。一个半透明的橙色屋顶进一步增强了室内的五彩光芒。

Three primary structures are arranged in the environment, each with a distinct geometry and color scheme. A semicircular “tunnel,” recalling Noguchi’s Contoured Playground, manipulates the topography by rising from the ground through a series of shallow steps. Geometric cutouts line the 19-foot-long plywood passage. Outlined in frames painted sun yellow, eggplant purple, and kelly green, they act like windows into the larger room, simultaneously revealing the tunnel’s elevation while letting in cascades of light. A semi-translucent orange roof further enhances the interior’s colorful glow.


Next to a large window offering natural light, a cylindrical, green environment measuring 10-feet- wide-by-8-feet-tall makes reference to a treehouse, where children can climb a set of steps to observe the space through green fabric mesh that simulates the effect of the leaves. On the left side of the space, an enclosed form covered in semi-translucent washi paper hangs from the ceiling, which reaches nearly 12 feet. Its white, cone-like shape alludes to an igloo; from within, children experience a peculiar light condition resembling the effect of scintillating snow.



“The goal is to iconize the forms to make them recognizable and welcoming for the children,” explains Orsini. “And, at the same time, to create inspiring spaces where they will always feel in control of their environments.”

Walls of the room are covered on two sides with fabric with a liquid metal effect, alluding to water or sky, while another wall features a fresco of painted trees. As a finishing touch, the designers suspended four cloud-like forms made from foam slats painted bright white above the three primary structures, while the floor is clad in a soft, tan rubber recalling a forest floor coated in fallen pine needles.

Architects: Architensions
Area : 875 ft²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Cameron Blaylock