Circular de Morelia 4致力于增加该地产的住房数量,它有一个优越的位置:在一个圆形公园前面,有一棵七十年的老树框住了主立面。

Circular de Morelia 4 is committed to increasing the amount of housing on the property, which has a privileged location: in front of a circular park and with a seventy-year-old tree framing the main façade.


With the challenge of preserving a house from the beginning of the last century, it was decided to make the new building go unnoticed from the park. Through a set of volumes, the proportion of the old house is consolidated and articulated with the neighbors.


With a respectful intervention, a building with five floors of housing with nine apartments is created, which contributes to the densification of the city center in an area of latent expansion and cultural richness.

Architects: Quintanilla Arquitectos
Area : 1325 m²
Year : 2016
Photographs :Onnis Luque
Lead Architect : Alejandro Quintaniila Orvañanos
City : Mexico City
Country : Mexico