建筑业产生的废物占总废物量的60%,是经济中资源最密集的部门之一。向可持续的循环经济进行必要的转型是不可避免的。欧瑟曼室内装修公司避免了浪费的 “设计缺陷”–因为在这家位于杜塞尔多夫的室内装修新公司的设计中,浪费等于养分。

The construction industry is responsible for 60% of the total waste generated and is one of the most resource-intensive sectors of the economy. A necessary transformation towards a sustainable circular economy is inevitable. urselmann interior avoids the “design flaw” of waste – because, in the designs of the Düsseldorf-based interior start-up, waste equals nutrients.


The young team in their own office proves that already today, building completely circular is possible. The entire interior design consists of healthy materials which can be dismantled according to type and are therefore permanently recyclable. The goal is a sustainable interior without compromising modern aesthetics. The principles of functionality, design and the use of sustainable materials are combined.

“在办公室的翻新过程中,仅拆除损坏的天花板和一层地板就产生了大约4吨的垃圾,而这一空间只有74平方米。由于其质量不高,这只能被焚烧或填埋”。直到现在,材料的再利用还没有被整合到设计过程中。”urselmann interior公司的老板Sven Urselmann说:”早在设计阶段,我们的重点就是要避免建筑垃圾。

“During the renovation of the office, the dismantling of the damaged ceiling and one layer of the floor alone generated about 4 tons of waste on only 74m² space. This could only be incinerated or landfilled due to its low quality.” Until now, the reuse of materials has not been integrated into the design process. “Already in the design phase, our focus was to avoid the construction waste,” said Sven Urselmann, owner of urselmann interior.


All materials and products used are either biodegradable (Biosphere) or upcyclable in the technical cycle (Technosphere) or already used construction products (ReUse). The joints on the furniture are made mechanically to avoid the use of adhesives. Following the idea of urban mining, all materials used were listed in a material passport and published for future use. Some products(e.g. radiators, lighting) have been sourced through the building materials platform Concular.


In addition to the office, co-working space, and showroom, the space can also be seen as a testing laboratory. “Developing our own office gave us the freedom to experiment with new materials. This includes the natural learning process of how different materials behave over time” says Sven. “The interaction was also super exciting for me as a trained carpenter.”

2020年底,设计师和工匠团队开始重新思考自己的规划和制造过程。我们的目标是,在 “从摇篮到摇篮 “思想和设计流派的基础上,一步一步地完全过渡到循环经济。根据 “养分保持养分 “的原则,所有使用的材料都应该能够在两个循环中的一个中永久循环。在设计过程的开始,所有的建筑都必须被设计成可循环和可分解的,以及可收集和可分离的类型,以便在生命周期结束时能够进行升级回收。

At the end of 2020, the team of designers and craftsmen started to rethink their own planning and manufacturing processes. The goal, step by step, is to make a complete transition to a circular economy based on the Cradle to Cradle school of thought and design. According to the principle “nutrient remains nutrient”, all materials used should be able to circulate permanently in one of the two cycles. At the beginning of the design process, all constructions must already be designed to be circular and decomposable, as well as collectible and separable by type, in order to enable upcycling at the end of the life cycle.

Architects: urselmann interior
Area : 74 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Magdalena Gruber
Manufacturers : Troldtekt, Bosch BlueMovement, Giroflex, Hey-Sign, Honext, Kvadrat / Really, Miele TheUpgreat, WYE Design
Design : Sven Urselmann, Petra Jablonická
Project Coordinator : Liz Theißen
City : Düsseldorf
Country : Germany