这个地方的愿景是创造一个新的用户体验和工作环境。通过共同生活的概念,我们创造了一个微型生活的模式,让企业创始人和数字游民找到他们自己的私人生活空间,以及工作、分享想法和与他人聚会的地方。从现有的建筑结构设计,主要的概念是使用弯曲的竹子作为外墙,结合咖啡树枝作为主要材料,作为Clan Living的协调中心。

The vision for this place was to create a new user experience and environment for working. With the concept of co-living, we create a model of micro-living where the business founder and digital nomad finds their own space for private living as well as places to work, share ideas, and gather around with others. Designed from the existing structural building, the main concept was composed using curved bamboo as a facade combined with coffee branches as a primary material that orchestrated as a focal point for the Clan Living.


This place consists of a 3-storey building, with different design approaches for each floor. The arranged coffee branch is composed of a lounge chair on the first floor, using a hammock on the second floor to provide a new way to experience the space and provide the work stool table with exciting views of its surroundings.


Clan living is a model for a micro-living environment to bring digital nomads together closely. We provide and dedicate for them to work, in a communal area as a workspace for soaking their feet underwater while working to experience a relaxing feel, a swimming pool, a pantry, a gathering area with bamboo as the main material used, as a symbol of appreciating for the local culture in a way to conveys the sense of togetherness.


Bamboo, coffee branches, hammock, and natural hardstones are the main material binding the image of clan living. Composed of 4 main materials, this concept carries the principles of ecology and sustainability, prioritizing using local materiality from its surroundings and reducing the permanent construction. Therefore, we chose to work with renovating the existing building yet to create a remarkable architectural design.


Arch-shaped bamboo conveys a sense of flexibility in the digital nomad’s era of working. Using a secondary skin facade arranged in a hollow with an enlarged shape on top of it, as a natural response to the surrounding environment, from visibility to sun exposure. The Clan Living will grow throughout time and make it a strong foundation in understanding spaces through new ways of view to achieve a new perspective of good living space, as we create and build today for tomorrow’s living.

Architects: Ruang Nyaman
Area : 698 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Danang Seta
Manufacturers : Propan, American Standard, Asahimas, Paloma, Phillips
Lead Architect : Alfa Nanda Ramadhan
Contractors : Clan Construction
Design Team : Ruang Nyaman
Clients : Clan Living
City : Ubud
Country : Indonesia