平凡的事物如何变得不平凡?这是总部设在伦敦的创意工作室Unknown Works在为一个年轻的创意家庭构思位于东伦敦莱顿的CLT House时提出的问题。

How does the ordinary become extraordinary? This is the question London-based creative studio Unknown Works asked when conceptualizing CLT House in Leyton, East London, for a young creative family.


Unknown Works has bookended a semi-detached, brick-infill terrace house with striking yellow extensions to the front and rear, uplifting the banal suburban streetscape and existing ground floor layout.

客户Annabel Bligh和Luke Leighfield的任务是为他们年轻的家庭的音乐和创意活动增加空间,确保布局可以适应举办节日聚会和亲密的家庭聚会。狭窄和黑暗的底层需要与房子的其他部分重新连接,就像大面积落叶的后花园一样。

Balancing a tight budget and brief, clients Annabel Bligh and Luke Leighfield tasked Unknown Works with adding space for their young family’s musical and creative pursuits, ensuring the layout could be adapted for hosting festive parties and intimate family gatherings. The cramped and dark ground floor required reconnection to the rest of the house, as did the large leafy rear garden.

未知工程选择使用交叉层压木材(CLT)作为一种灵活、经济、可持续的建筑技术。该创意工作室设计了一套云杉CLT的预制结构板,仅用4天时间就在现场组装完毕。CLT板经过绝缘处理,涂上纹理渲染,并涂上大胆的香蕉黄,形成一个阶梯式的后部扩展和立体的前廊。温和的圆角使黄色的添加物变得柔和,不锈钢雨链–一种传统的日本水槽选择–消除了落水管造成的任何视觉混乱。建筑和外部装饰体现了Unknown Works对材料的创造性探索,以及如何扩展它们的传统用途,为最普通的环境增加生命和活力。

Unknown Works chose to use cross-laminated timber (CLT) as a flexible, cost-effective, sustainable building technology. The creative studio designed a kit of prefabricated structural panels in Spruce CLT which were assembled onsite in just 4 days. The CLT panels have been insulated, coated in textural render, and painted a bold banana yellow to form a stepped rear extension and cubic front porch. Gently rounded edges temper the yellow additions to bring a softness to their overall form, and stainless steel rain chains – a traditional Japanese guttering option – negate any visual clutter caused by downpipes. The construction and exterior finishing exemplify Unknown Works’ creative exploration of materials and how stretching their conventional uses can add life and dynamism to even the most pedestrian setting.


Inside, the CLT panels are left exposed, creating a warm interior complemented by stainless steel and white-tinted polished concrete. The rear extension is home to a new open plan, flexible kitchen and dining space, built-in CLT seating, and reading nooks. Overhead, the structural CLT grid is left exposed, creating the opportunity for long recessed bespoke aluminum lighting tracks which fill the extension with ambient light, designed to enhance the natural texture of the internal timber.


The staggered form of the extension, a response to the site’s planning constraints, allowed the architects to design a cook’s herb garden by the kitchen. Skylights are inset into the CLT structure, bringing focussed daylight from above, paired with large sliding doors that frame views of the garden and courtyard.


The rear extension links to the existing house through a new central courtyard of white pebbles. The front sitting and rear dining rooms both open onto the new lightwell-courtyard through large sliding glass doors, creating a fully connected ground floor plan when open, as well as natural cross-ventilation.

由于对使用一种核心材料并扩展其应用的想法感到好奇,Unknown Works为他们的客户设计了手工制作的调光开关,用CLT的结构残余物切割成大圆盘。该创意工作室还用CLT设计了一个超大的定制转轴门,提供了一个有趣的入口感。

Intrigued by the idea of using one core material and stretching its applications, Unknown Works designed hand-crafted dimmer switches for their clients, cutting large discs from structural CLT remnants. The creative studio also designed an oversized custom pivot door in CLT which provides a playful sense of entry.

CLT房屋展示了Unknown Works的能力,即利用简单的建筑技术,使其在任何环境或规模下都不平凡。通过真正地拥抱平凡并探索它如何被延伸和挑战,创意工作室用一个明亮和大胆的升级取代了这个英国的排屋。

CLT House demonstrates Unknown Works’ ability to take a simple construction technology and make it extraordinary in any context or scale. By truly embracing the commonplace and exploring how it can be stretched and challenged, the creative studio has superseded this British stock terrace house with a bright and bold upgrade.

Architects: Unknown Works
Area : 153 m²
Year : 2022
Structural Engineers : Martin Redston Associates
Main Contractor : Tutka Building Services Ltd
Design Team : Theo Games Petrohilos, Ben Hayes, Kaowen Ho, Jono Howard
Clients : Annabel Bligh & Luke Leighfield
Approved Building Inspector : Assent Building Control
Clt Contractor : Construkt CLT
Joinery : Puck London
City : London
Country : United Kingdom