在东京的银座区有一家美容院 “Cocoon”,成立于2000年。它已经开放了21年。在COVID限制的时候,我们被要求创造一个通风良好、容易驻足的空间。这个地方位于铁路高架桥下,即使在银座地区,也是一个非常罕见的开店地点。

There is a beauty salon “Cocoon” in Ginza district in Tokyo that was founded in 2000. It has been open for 21 years. In the time of COVID restrictions, we were asked to create a space that would be well-ventilated and easy to stop by. The place is situated under a railway viaduct that is a very rare place to have a store, even in Ginza district.

我们决定尝试一种新的设计,移动自 “Cocoon “成立以来一直使用的柜台。我们还安装了推拉门,以便从任何地方进入这个地方。事实上,通过使用滑动门,而不是建立一个门面,并在脚下放上印有店名的透明玻璃,我们成功地传递了商店的信息并创造了一个入口。

We decided to try a new design by moving the counter that has been used since the establishment of “Cocoon”. We also installed the sliding door in order to enter the place from everywhere. Actually, by using the sliding door instead of building a facade and putting a transparent glass with the store name on the foot level, we managed to pass the information of the store and create an entrance.


Moreover, we decided to decorate the inside walls with mosaic tiles, but we did not finish it. We decided to finish the design by asking customers to buy one mosaic tile and paste it to the wall. We are full of hope that the 20 years history of this place will be passed further.

Architects: KAMITOPEN
Area: 15 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Keisuke Miyamoto
Manufacturers: Daiko, Sangetsu, Maxray, TOU
Interior Designer: KAMITOPEN Co. Ltd, Masahiro Yoshida , Asuka Tamaru
Contractors: SETUP Inc.
City:Chuo City