该建筑是在一个现有的垃圾填埋场的最高层实施的。它的 “U “型计划组织定义了两翼,中间穿插着一个中央通道花园。在地块的其余部分,几乎所有的现有树木都被保留或重新安置。

The construction was implemented on the highest level of an existing landfill. Its “U” plan organization defines two wings interspersed with a central access garden. In the rest of the lot, almost all the existing trees were kept or relocated.

两个 “ipês “的位置和两个大的flamboyants引导着建筑的两翼(卧室和服务)的前退,这两翼的位置是根据太阳方向和隐私的标准来确定的。它的两端相对于土地前部的斜坡来说是 “悬浮 “的。

The positions of two “ipês” and two large flamboyants directed the front setbacks of the two wings of the building (bedrooms and services) which were positioned according to criteria of solar orientation and privacy. Its ends are “suspended” in relation to the slopes in the front portion of the land.


The boundary line of the frames marks a difference in treatment between the house’s external materials, which are subject to the weather (rain, sun, dust) and the internal materials that are protected and closer to the touch of the house’s residents.

虽然外部表面由承重混凝土墙和实心砖墙组成–这些材料甚至会随着时间的推移而变得更好–但在内部,我们大多使用更 “脆弱 “的材料,如天然木板、天花板和油漆墙。

While the external surfaces are composed of load-bearing concrete walls and solid brick walls – materials that will even look better with the passage of time – internally we mostly used more “fragile” materials such as natural wood panels, ceilings and and painted walls.

Architects: BLOCO Arquitetos
Area: 520 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Haruo Mikami
Authors:Daniel Mangabeira, Henrique Coutinho e Matheus Seco
Coordination:Marina Lira
Project Team:Isabela Ferrari e Guilherme Mahana