已故的美国街头摄影师维维安•迈尔(1926-2009)在纽约霍华德格林伯格画廊的展览中展示了她以前从未见过的彩色图像。’ Vivian Maier:色彩作品 ‘展示了她真正原创摄影的亮点。

The late American street photographer Vivian Maier (1926–2009) has had her never-before-seen color images displayed in an exhibition at Howard Greenberg Gallery in New York. ‘Vivian Maier: The Color Work’ showcases the highlights of her truly original photography.

Maier是一名保姆,几十年来,他作为一名匿名摄影师拍摄了数千张照片。从未向任何人展示他们。2007年,当房地产经纪人约翰马洛夫(John Maloof)看到她储物柜的内容时,Maier的才华在偶然发现的几年前偶然发现。里面,超过100,000张中画幅的底片,以及未开发的胶卷和数千张照片。对稀有人才Maier的发现震撼了艺术界,2015年,Maloof创作了“ 寻找Vivian Maier ”,这是一部获得奥斯卡奖提名的纪录片。由于这种名声,Maier因追求黑白街头摄影而被追授。然而,在纪录片制作的时候,Maloof还没有开发出大约700卷Maier的彩色照片,其中的选择现在在“Vivian Maier:The Color Work”中展出。该展览展示了Maier对20世纪50年代至80年代纽约和芝加哥发生的事件的记录,展示了充满色彩和活力的生动图像。

Maier worked as a nanny, and over several decades took many thousands of pictures as an anonymous photographer; showing them to no one. Maier’s remarkable talent was discovered by chance just a few years before her passing in 2007, when real estate agent John Maloof came across the contents of her storage locker. Inside, over 100,000 medium format negatives were found, along with undeveloped rolls of film, and thousands of prints. The discovery of Maier’s rare talent rocked the art world, and in 2015, Maloof created ‘Finding Vivian Maier’, a documentary that was nominated for an Academy Award. As a result of this fame, Maier is known posthumously for her considered approach to black and white street photography. However at the time of the documentary’s production, Maloof had not yet developed around 700 rolls of Maier’s color photographs, a selection of which is now on show in ‘Vivian Maier: The Color Work’. The exhibition features Maier’s documentation of the happenings of New York and Chicago from the 1950s to the 1980s, presenting a vivid array of images brimming with color and vitality.

Author: Vivian Maier
From: ©Vivian Maier ,Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery