
The project consists of a residence for a young couple of architects and a commercial room for classes and meetings of wine tasting, in a single building that independently attends each use with a certain degree of spatial indetermination to flexibilize several future uses.


It is important to note that there is the possibility of integration of the spaces, and also the extension of the residence to a third floor, so that the building can transform over time and the needs of the owners.

该地块位于一个陡峭的拐角处,由于靠近Serra do Curral和Pico Belo Horizonte景观组,所以有特定的测高和密度法规,这是一个环境保护区,于1960年由国家历史和艺术遗产研究所(IPHAN)注册。

The lot is located on a corner with a steep incline, besides having specific legislation of altimetry and densification due to its proximity to the Serra do Curral and Pico Belo Horizonte Landscape Set, an area of environmental preservation, registered by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) in the year 1960.


The environment, unfortunately, presents a majority of projects with topographic amnesias in which there is little or no relation with the natural terrain. The premises adopted by the architects promote large and integrated spaces with openings for predominant visions, with the building being one of the highest points in the city. It is necessary to use eaves, pergolas and brises-soleils to protect the northwestern façade, which has a great solar incidence but at the same time, has a definitive view to contemplate the urban landscape.

Architects: Marcos Franchini, Nattalia Bom Conselho
Area: 2195 ft²
Year: 2018
Photographs: Lucas Cancela
Manufacturers: Blojaf, Carpintería Edmóveis, Fabrica Jangada, Madepal, Marmoraria Artesanato, Minasit, Othon de Carvalho, Plantas Tirol Plantas, Preall, Ruy Maracás, TL Estruturas
Collaboration:Amanda Castilho, Gabriel Nardelli, João Pedro Facury
Building Performance Consulting :Vert
Paisagismo:Felipe Fontes
Light Design:Zenaide Aparecida
Structural Design:N Engenharia
Electric / Hydraulic Project:Guepardo ltda
Contractor:MG Construções
Authors:Marcos Franchini, Nattalia Bom Conselho