
Mannheim, a medium-sized city in southwestern Germany, is known for its grid-plan city layout, its baroque palace and its brutalist buildings – but also, and above all, for its ethnically and culturally diverse population. This diverse and colourful mix of people can be experienced, among other places, in Neckarstadt East and Neckarstadt West, two districts northwest of the city centre.

连接这两个社区的文化纽带是ALTER,这是一个位于Alter Messplatz旁边的公共空间,它有免费的体育和文化活动,是一个聚会、打发时间和聚集的地方。

The cultural link between the two neighbourhoods is ALTER, a public space situated next to the Alter Messplatz, which, with its free sports and cultural activities, is a place to meet, pass time and get together.

在ALTER的一个运动场上安装了一个图形,试图表达这个社区创造空间的所有积极品质:一个 “超级图形”,试图在视觉上代表和加强现有的人们的凝聚力和氛围。该项目还旨在为城市内部和外部的公共文化空间的保护树立一个标杆。

A graphic has been installed on a sports pitch at ALTER that tries to express all the positive qualities of this community-creating space: a ‘supergraphic’ that seeks to visually represent and strengthen the existing cohesion of the people and its atmosphere. The project also aims to set a marker for the preservation of public cultural spaces, both within the city and beyond.

“Common Monnem – together Mannheim”。该项目的标题由 “Common “和 “Monnem “两个词组成。”共同 “最初来源于拉丁文 “Communis”,表示一种从自我组织过程中产生的共同资源。当地的参考是由 “Monnem “这个表达方式建立的,它是曼海姆的俗称。在这两个词的相互作用中,广场在城市环境中的意义将在文字和图形层面上得到反映。

“Common Monnem – together Mannheim”: The title of the project is composed of the words “Common” and “Monnem”. “Common” originally derives from the Latin “Communis”, which denotes a common resource that emerges from self-organised processes. The local reference is established by the expression “Monnem”, the colloquial term for Mannheim. In the interplay of both words, the meaning of the square in the urban context is to be reflected on a textual as well as a graphic level.

长38米,宽16米,总面积超过560平方米的超级图画采用了排版方法。这借鉴了1975年曼海姆国家园林展海报中的基本几何图案。俯瞰ALTER的标志性摩天大楼也是在这个时期建造的。超大的字母 “Common “构成了整个图形的焦点。这些字母朝向球场的中心–类似于比赛开始前聚集在一起的球员:他们在一个圆圈中相互勾连,从而形成一个整体。中间空间的彩色填充是为了加强这种社区创造的形象。字母由 “Alter “和 “Monnem “这两个词支持。它们构成了 “公共 “的框架,并确立了它的地方参照。

The 38-metre-long and 16-metre-wide supergraphic with a total area of over 560 square metres follows a typographic approach. This draws reference from the basic geometric motifs in the poster for 1975 State Garden Show in Mannheim. The iconic skyscrapers overlooking ALTER were also constructed around this time. The oversized lettering “Common” forms the focal point of the graphic. The letters are oriented towards the centre of the pitch – analogous to players who gather together in a circle before a game begins: they hook into each other in a circle and thus form a unit. The coloured filling of the spaces in between is meant to reinforce this community-creating image. The lettering is supported by the words “Alter” and “Monnem”. They frame the “Common” and establish its local reference.


The graphic’s connection to its location is also reinforced by the choice of colours. The pink, for example, picks up on the colour of ALTER’s facade, while the green establishes a relationship with the adjacent green space on the banks of the Neckar river. The red, blue and yellow are taken from Mannheim’s city coat of arms. The yellow area has a special role within the playing field – the white border lines create an abstract basketball in the middle, which is surrounded by the Common lettering.


The intended theme of active togetherness was already present during the realization of this project. Numerous interested people spontaneously responded to the public call for help on a daily basis. Thus, while the super graphic was being created, the declared goal of the project was already being realized: “Common Monnem – Together Mannheim”.

Designers: Florian Budke
Area: 520 m²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Marius Heimburger
Organizers:POW Mannheim e. V.
Sponsors:Heinrich Schmid, MWM Headquarters | Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH, MVV, Montana Cans, Farbenhaus Metzger