
We designed a new office space for a creative agency in Tokyo applying mixture of technology and traditional Japanese wood works for structure, furniture and fixtures. To keep the flexibility of the space, we suggested a portable partition system to insert on the floor and create proper size of the area.


The floor includes lab space intended for long-term project and war room intended for many projects to have short, intensive period of discussions. Each space is divided by glass partitions so that each active project can feel each other and is visible at a glance.

战争室被分割成4个小区域,并有交叉的木质底座。由于项目的数量根本超过了可用空间的数量,我们提出了一个操作系统,允许每个项目拥有便携式聚碳酸酯板。 这些面板可以被插入交叉底座上的墓穴中,暂时创造出自己的空间,一旦会议结束,就可以很容易地移除。桌子和凳子故意做得很高,以鼓励人们轻松地站起来,接近墙壁,积极参与讨论。

The war room is split into 4 small areas with crossed wooden base. Because the number of projects simply outstands the numbers of available space, we proposed an operational system which allows each project to own portable polycarbonate panels. The panels can be slot into the grave on the crossed base to temporarily create its own space and be easily remove once the session is finished. The tables and stools are intentionally made high in order to encourage people to stand up easily and approach the wall to actively participate in their discussions.


The base for the removable panels, the base for glass partition and the long bench by the window are all made by extraordinarily huge section of pine wood traditionally used as main column of Japanese wooden houses. The appearance of this wood volume is what characterizes the space. Each wood volume is carefully combined with metal fixtures having distinct functions and shows an interesting contrast between the rough wooden existence and delicate details.

我们选择了木材、铜和油毡等材料,这些材料会随着时间和使用而老化。 通过不断地使用空间,这些材料会随着空间中进行的活动而感觉和变得更加舒适。

We selected materials such as wood, copper and linoleum which ages over time and usage. By continually using the space, these materials will feel and become more comfortable with the activities conducted in the space.

在设计阶段,位于空间中心的墙没有明确的功能。我们假设它的用途会随着时间的推移而变化和改变。因此,我们在墙上提出了一个木头连接的网格系统:女性的一面固定在墙上,而男性的一面可以用3D打印机定制,以适应各种场合,灵活地 “砍 “墙。这套木质连接装置采用了传统的木匠技术,象征着精致的手工工艺和尖端技术之间的和谐。木头连接处是我们对这个空间的主要概念的一个家具级例子。”自由砍伐”,这意味着设计故意留有开口,以便用户进一步定制和满足他们的各种需求。

During the designing phase, the wall located at the center of the space had no explicit function. It was assumed that its usage would vary and alter over time. Thus we proposed a wood joint grid system on the wall: the female side is fixed on the wall, while the male side can be tailor-made with a 3D printer to suit each occasion and flexibly “hack” the wall. The wood joint employs traditional carpenter’s technique, symbolizing the harmony between delicate handcraft and cutting edge technology. The wood joint is a furniture-level example of our major concept for this space: “free to hack,” meaning the design is intentionally left open-end for users to further customize and fulfil their various needs.

Architects: Domino Architects
Area: 218 m²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Gottingham
Manufacturers: Flos, Forbo Flooring Systems, Sangetsu
Contractor: Eckits
Clients:Loftwork Inc
Woodwork Consultants:Hidakuma
Architect In Charge:Yusuke Oono
Woodwork Consultants:Hidakuma