
Coworking hub is a story about the desire of an architectural company to reach a new level of its development stage, where, despite the difficulties and failures, it turned out to make something new interesting, and unusual for the local citizens.


Since the coworking space is located in the basement of a residential building, it was not possible to change the layout configuration much, nevertheless, it was possible to divide the space into the necessary functional zones. There is a quiet work area in an open space and a noisy area where you can make zoom calls. There are private offices, a meeting room, zoom rooms, a lecture hall for events, a kitchen, and a toilet with a shower. Some open space areas are visually separated by light ivy-covered grid structures, which create some privacy and at the same time let enough natural light to the common space. And there is also a mini-library available for visitors.

协同工作中心采用了经济实用的装修材料,如木材、OSB板、混凝土和金属结构。 材料组合创造了一种轻松的氛围,不同创意职业的代表都想在其中工作。该空间设计为中性色调,但重点的红色墙面是室内设计的一个显著特点。植物使办公空间活跃起来,创造出一种舒适的气氛。最初并没有想到一个协同工作中心会是什么样子,一切都在路上发展,想法也是自发产生的。空间规划和功能区最初是计划好的,但室内设计是即兴的。

Affordable and practical finishing materials are used at the coworking hub, such as wood, OSB panels, concrete, and metal structures. Material combinations create a relaxed atmosphere in which representatives of different creative professions want to work. The space is designed in neutral shades, but the accent red wall is a distinctive feature of the interior design. Plants enliven the office space and create a cozy atmosphere. There was no initial idea of what a coworking hub would look like, everything was developed along the way, and ideas came spontaneously. The space planning and functional zones were planned initially, but the interior design was an improvisation.


For the city of Tashkent, the hub is a non–standard extraordinary project that breaks the stereotypes of the local mentality, which believes that it is beautiful only when there are classical gold color painted columns. It’s just that sometimes you get tired of pomposity, and you want simplicity and lightness so that nothing distracts and does not interfere with the creation process. Hub is the very place where you can concentrate on working without being distracted, and here you can also find like-minded people to create joint projects.

Architects: architecture & design bureau [a:kitekt]
Area : 400 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Bakha Hakhimov
Lead Architects : Zakir Mirzaakhmedov
Interior Design : Zakir Mirzaakhmedov, Khegay Valeria
Drawings : Adelina Radjapova, Khoshimov Elyorkhuja
City : Тошкент
Country : Uzbekistan