
Andrew Burns Architecture has completed the first stage of a major rural campus in the Greater Blue Mountains National Park. The commission was awarded through an invited competition process, comprising a number of the country’s leading architectural practices.


The project places emphasis on the experience of the student, creating a place that extends and enriches the education of the individual, building their sense of wonder, respect for nature and for one another. The architectural task is to synthesise the poetic qualities of the site with robust, utilitarian building forms to accommodate a pioneering and transformative educational program.

建筑物围绕着 “新月 “的统一姿态进行布置,对悬崖的地貌作出回应,并在悬崖背景消失的南部提供一定程度的控制。新月牙的连接姿态为场地服务提供了一个实用的方法,在适当的情况下,可以将多个建筑的服务整合在一起。

The buildings are arranged around the unifying gesture of the ‘Crescent’, responding to the landform of the escarpment and providing a degree of containment to the south where the escarpment backdrop falls away. The linking gesture of the Crescent provides a practical approach to site servicing, enabling consolidation of services across multiple buildings where appropriate.

管理仪式 “被纳入整个场地体验中,并由建筑的被动环境技术促进。学生们收集木材,并通过湿式回燃加热器系统生火,为他们小屋的其他人提供热水。”管家花园 “逐渐被学生们打理,为场地的环境整治做出贡献。一系列参与性的研讨会将在整个校园内建造引人注目的夯土墙。

‘Rituals of stewardship’ are incorporated throughout the site experience, facilitated by the passive environmental technologies of the buildings. Students collect wood and operate the fire to provide hot water for the others in their lodge, via a wet-back combustion heater system. The ‘stewardship garden’ is gradually tended to by the students, contributing to environmental remediation of the site. A series of participatory workshops will be undertaken to construct dramatic rammed earth walls throughout the campus.

建筑师:Andrew Burns Architecture
面积 : 600 m²
摄影作品:Brett Boardman
城市 : Wolgan Valley
Architects: Andrew Burns Architecture
Area: 600 m²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Brett Boardman
City:Wolgan Valley