DáLicença精品酒店位于葡萄牙的乡村,它最初的目的是抛去城市的喧嚣,而营造一个宁静的私人住所。酒店坐落在葡萄牙南部阿连特茹的山丘上,距离中世纪小镇Estremoz仅几公里,享有广阔的橄榄树林景致,Serra d’Ossa森林和几个白色小村庄在夜间闪烁的灯光。在寻找度假胜地时,总部位于巴黎的Victor Borges和Franck Laigneau立刻爱上了这个地方。但他们决定与更广泛的观众分享这种欣快的环境,以及他们对艺术的共同热情。

DáLicença boutique hotel in the Portuguese countryside, is that it was initially intended to be a tranquil, private refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city. Perched on the hills of Alentejo in southern Portugal, a few kilometres away from the medieval town of Estremoz, the location enjoys expansive vistas of rolling olive groves, the forest of Serra d’Ossa and several small whitewashed villages, which form an earthly constellation of flickering lights during the night. No wonder then that in their search for a holiday retreat, Paris-based Victor Borges and Franck Laigneau instantly fell in love with the place. But rather than keeping it to themselves, they decided to share this euphoric setting, as well as their common passion for the arts, with a wider audience.

Project Name: DÁ LICENÇA
Completed: 2018