
I have been thinking about my house for a very long time since I was a teenage boy. Every day, when herding cows through fields, sneaking into the bamboo groves, and wandering around the village,… In my imagination, sometimes my house was the bird nest in the tree and other times it was just a thatched hut or an old house next to a stream in the forest. I feel like I am a very complicated man…

我是越南作家杜怀的《蟋蟀的冒险》的粉丝,所以我给儿子取名 “蟋蟀”,希望他能成为一个独立的人。以自由开放的心态,走遍天下,享受阳光和露水,在天空下高声歌唱……尽可能多地体验困难的事情。

I am a fan of “The Adventure of the Cricket” by writer To Hoai in Vietnam, so I named my son “cricket”, with the hope that he will be an independent man. With a free and open-minded, he will travel everywhere, enjoy the sun and the dew, sing loudly under the sky…experience as many difficult things as possible.

在一块被旧墙包围的小块土地上,我建造了自己的房子–“蟋蟀的房子”–以我儿子的名字命名,使用的是回收材料:木材、钢材和旧砖。当然,一个太小的结构并不能表达一切,当然也不能讲述一个宏大的故事。”蟋蟀之家 “是我献给我妻子和儿子的地方。一个体验的空间,我的儿子可以在屋里或院子里玩耍,种菜,爬上屋顶躺在草地上,抬头看月亮和星星,做他喜欢的梦……一个完全开放的空间。

From a small plot of land surrounded by old walls, I built my own house – “the cricket’s house” – named after my son, by using recycled material: wood, steel, and used bricks. Of course, a structure that is too small does not express everything, and it certainly cannot tell a grand story. “The cricket’s house” is a place I dedicate to my wife and son. A space for experiences, where my son can play inside the house or in the courtyard, plant vegetables, climb onto the roof lying on the grass, look up at the moon and stars, and dream whatever he likes…a completely open space.


This project has given to me a lot of experience. I think a house does not need to have too many partitions, but it should connect as many spaces as possible, with fresh air outside. There is no need to be made of solid concrete. Old things like wood from old houses, stone bricks, and used pallet wood, … can still be used to create a two/to the three-story house.

真的很感谢我所有的同行,他们直接参与了这个房子的建设。还要感谢我的妻子和儿子,他们是我无尽的灵感;帮助我写了一个非常小的故事 “蟋蟀的房子”,一个非常简单、和平和简单的地方。

Really grateful to all my counterparts, who directly participated in building this house. And a big thanks to my wife and my son, who are my endless inspiration; helping me to write a very small story “The Cricket’s House,” a very simple, peaceful, and simple place to stay.

Architects: Country House. Architecture
Area: 200 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs:Quang Dam
Manufacturers: INAX
Lead Architects: Ngô Lê Nguyễn
Design: Đặng Nghĩa
City: Thành phố Phan Thiết
Country: Vietnam