这是我们为服装品牌DESCENTE BLANC在日本设计的第四家店,位于新丸之内大厦,也是继他们在大阪世博城的店之后的第二家店面。与大阪店的特点不同的是,新丸之内大厦的整个设计是非常真实的。

This is the fourth shop we designed for the apparel brand DESCENTE BLANC in Japan, located in Shin Marunouchi Building, and its second in-shop after their shop at Expo City in Osaka. The characteristic difference from the Osaka shop is that the entire design of Shin Marunouchi Building is very authentic.

我们对DESCENTE BLANC系列的设计理念是重新设计店员去取货的动作,并在天花板上加入自动升降的存货显示系统。现有的天花板被拆除后,天花板上的羽绒服被暴露出来,被拆除的天花板上下的现有饰面形成了鲜明的对比,暗示着那里有一个 “想象的 “天花板平面。

Our design concept for the DESCENTE BLANC series is to redesign the movement of shop staff to go to get stocks and incorporate automatic lifting stock stock-display systems in the ceiling. After the existing ceiling was removed, the ceiling plenum was exposed and the existing finishes above and below the removed ceiling created a sharp contrast, implying an “imaginary” ceiling plane there.

为了突出这一独特的特征,我们在柱廊空间中设计了架空的库存空间,衣服被紧密地存放在天花板下,类似于飞机库。衣架管道被调平,使衣服的下摆与 “假想的 “天花板平面对齐,天花板上的灯也被安装在同一水平上,以强调这种效果。

In order to highlight this distinctive feature, we designed the overhead stock space in the plenum space where clothes are stored closely under the ceiling, resembling an aircraft hangar. Hanger pipes are leveled so that hems of the clothes align with the “imaginary” ceiling plane, and the ceiling lights are also installed at the same level to emphasize the effect.

Architects: Schemata Architects
Area: 61 m²
Year: 2016
Photographs: Kenta Hasegawa
Manufacturers: ENDO Lighting Corporation, Shiro
Construction: TANK
Project Team:Ryosuke Yamamoto, Ou Ueno, Shun Sato
Architect In Charge:Jo Nagasaka