DFC是柏林设计师Simon Frambach设计的极简主义折叠椅。DFC是一种可折叠的椅子,它可以让人处于活动状态。DFC提供了一种高度个性化和直观的坐姿,同时保持轻盈,可折叠的结构,很容易适应各种情况。DFC可以被看作是现代办公椅的简化对立面,通过动态调整用户的位置,而不使用复杂的弹簧或其他附加组件。

DFC is a minimalist folding chair created by Berlin-based designer Simon Frambach. DFC is a folding chair that introduces sitting in a fluid state. DFC offers a highly individual and intuitive way of sitting while maintaining a light, foldable structure which easily adapts to various situations. DFC could be seen as a simplified antithesis to modern office chairs, by dynamically adjusting to the users position without the use of complex springs or other additional components.

Design: Simon Frambach